I love the settlement building and protect the forte idea and hope it's expanded. This game became deeper with it's addition. Fallout 4 has so much to do besides the building settlements.
I love the settlement building and protect the forte idea and hope it's expanded. This game became deeper with it's addition. Fallout 4 has so much to do besides the building settlements.
I can take it or leave it, TBH, but I do not care to have it epanded.
If you made it to let us choose multiple choices I would vote No for Do you want Bethesda to Add Additional Content to Settlements, because I don't want to see Bethesda Game Studios selling new armor, new quests, new weapons, new settlement expansions as DLC's, but instead give them out for FREE in patches and sell expansion packs only.
I can't even vote for Are You A Fan of The Settlement Building? because I don't know what settlement building is like in Fallout 4 since I still have not purchased Fallout 4 and I have no experience with the settlement building to talk about it what I think about the settlement building in Fallout 4.
Btw i suggest taking a look at some mods if you are big into building, eventhough its limited what modders can do without official GECK they have already expanded settlment building far beyond vannila options and it will only get better as time passes and official tools are released.
I like this new feature but it needs some patching before it gets expanded.
I love it, and can't wait for more things to build.
It's a nice side quest, patch the current issues and maybe add some extra building options but no huge DLC based purely on it. That would be a huge mistake as Fallout is not Sim City.
When I say "expanded" what I want is for it to take on proper tactical and strategic role in the game. The foundation for a truly epic "builder/strategy" element to Fallout 4 is there, but right now it is lacking in apparently serious ways:
1. Defense, too many unknowns and too many immersion breaking dynamics (e.g., enemies spawning inside walls and completely destroying crops)
2. Lack of labels, lack of accurate and timely management/data screen, apparently some fairly serious bugs.
Only on first cup of coffee so that is all I can enumerate right now.
I like it on a small scale. I don't like having to take care of a dozen or so settlements. I would rather have had the option to set up one or two settlements, three if you count the castle.
To make one or two really awesome settlements using my resources than have several crap ones all over the place. Ones that no matter what I do or how much I help they never grow. Or are in such a small cramped area but for whatever reason the population exploded.
Expanded in the sense of having more things to build with. I can't help but notice the raiders in the area can build cool things. Such and those elevator things. Simple things like boards of wood and single polls to build with.
It's interesting. And it'd be nice to see them work some bugs out, and add more parts to use (although that also seems like a good target for mods). Don't really need to add more locations (or, if they do have settlement locations in a DLC that adds a new map like Point Lookout did, I'd say have less locations overall - it feels like there's a few too many settlement spots in the base game. I really didn't expect the dozens of settlements we ended up with.)
Its okay. Its an interesting mini game that I've dipped into here and there, but I haven't spent enough time with it to make anything really impressive. I can take it or leave it but I see others really enjoying it so I don't have any objections to Bethesda expanding on it.
I agree. One thing I've started doing is depopulating some of them (I won't use specifics for the sake of spoilers). Some settlers you can never relocate, but many you can. I've had a couple that I've "acquired" and left alone for a long time (no beacon, no improvements). I eventually made my way back to some of these and I was able to relocate the couple settlers there to other settlements. I then scrapped everything (and in one case built myself a little "hideout" with an enclosed fast travel point where I can get away from the settlers if I want) and left it that way.
One thing I've found a bit peculiar. More than once, I've built a radio beacon to satisfy Minuteman quests, then scrapped it and it seemed to still be broadcasting?
ADDIT: my thread about http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1573092-traders-not-trading/ is rapidly sliding down the page, and it is about a related topic. This thread seems to be getting lots of love, so in the interest of maybe getting someone who might have an idea of what is going on with my problem and maybe a solution, a link-bumpy . . .
Yes I love the settlements but no to new content, I dont want any Bethesda paid for DLC to just be extra stuff for my settlements, I'd rather have new quests, characters etc
I would like to see better tools for managing settlements, but again I wouldn't want that to be paid for DLC.
i agree, i think Bethesda could give us some cool new stuff for settlements but should be considered a 'bonus' part of DLC or just part of a patch
i will be peeved if they really count that as 'DLC' content to be paid for...altho i really feel that any concerns here will be taken care of by the mod community, i have a feeling they're going to go overboard with this xD
but yea, Bethesda plz plz more quests and stuff, do not focus on settlements (other than fixing the hell out of the mechanics and bugs)
I voted extension, but feeling that the menu and navigation needs to be more organized. Sometimes it took me really long to find an item.
Yep. Not to mention the modding potential.
I want neon signs. Actually more signs.
Since I keep all my kit in crates and boxes in the armory of my primary base, it would be nice if there was a sign for guns, knives, etc, so I could mark the boxes for easy sorting. The best I can do now, is the one holding my armor pieces has a Mens Room sign on the front of it.