So I had this argument today with a friend who also played Skyrim, who do you think is a more enjoyable company? Overall: looks, voice acting, dialogue, skills, etc.
So I had this argument today with a friend who also played Skyrim, who do you think is a more enjoyable company? Overall: looks, voice acting, dialogue, skills, etc.
It is a tough one. Both are well written and voice acted. But here is Serana's strengths, she is a freaking vampire and she is voiced by Laura Bailey. So she wins quite easily.
zzzz God that is a hard question I love them both equally
I loved Serena and her story arc, to be honest, right from the moment when you find her.
Serana is probably my favourite video game companion ever, and the only one worthwhile in Skyrim. Also Dawnguard as an expansion is fantastic. I am just heaping praise on Skyrim now, but i love that game.
yeah no...
1. they are 2 very different characters from different games, might as well compare apples to oranges.
2. piper is a companion of 12 while serana is a unique companion in many ways with a whole DLC pack revolving around her, unfair comparison.
3. serana has a been a fav of many for a few years now, obvious choice becomes more obvious. reminds me of AC/DC's Her mouth animation is wrong in so many ways.
I never cared for Serana. For one thing, she was a vampire and there was a definite over-saturation of all things vampire in the entertainment sphere at the time. Second, she was overly negative, complaining about the weather or the sunlight or when you got out of the sunlight stating that while she doesn't care for the sunlight anything would be better than where ever you happened to be. Thirdly, she had the infuriating habit of reanimating every corpse you ran across, which was often confusing in combat.
By contrast, I find Piper to be somewhat perky and cheerful (hmm ... what's that for?), and at least when traveling they tend to be context appropriate. She does get a little annoyingly repetitive back at the Castle, though. Like Nick she constantly repeats her observations about the state of the castle. That's the sort of thing that's contextually appropriate as you are passing through but gets old if you are staying a while.
I voted Piper.
You'll get no objection from me on that front. Skyrim and its mods/dlcs is a game I go back to continually and I always love it; Dawnguard in particular.
Plus, even speaking as a woman, Serena is smoking hot. I think it's the eyes.
Probably Serana. But I personally find it doesn't take much to be more interesting than Piper.
I'll have to go back to pick up Piper from Diamond City since I left her there during a main story quest and I have seen her since.
Serana, hands down. She just has more "meat" to her, so to speak.
They are both useless? They svck at combat neither can make a sandwich.
*pauses mid coffee drink*
Hmm...Tough. I like both characters on their own merits, but it's apples and oranges.
One is an ancient vampire caught up in a family struggle tasked with holding a serious burden.
The other is an idealistic self-made newspaper reporter with a desire for the truth.
One I can romance, the other won't (without mods) due to her pact with Molag Bal as a Daughter of Coldharbour.
One looks cute in a pageboy hat, the other looks cute in a hood.
Serana has the fortune of standing out alongside with maybe Cicero as being the only character with a unique personality among all the cookie cutter cardboard companions you get in Skyrim.
Piper while better than that annoying buffoon Garvey is overshadowed in my opinion by the likes of Nick, Cait, Curie and Macready.
I work alone.
I do like Strong though, if he just didn't talk as much as he does. Reticence isn't a weakness, you know.
ED-E was great, and Cass was better than both Piper and Serana.
I ALREADY created a post topic, but it was moved to SPOILERS, for some reason, dont know why, heres the link vote for your FAVORITE COMPANION ill vote on this one also.
I like both but Serana has a better backstory( she has a entire DLC pretty much about her).
Serana had a whole DLC centered around her and received more attention from the devs than any NPC in any BGS game ever, so I don't think it's surprising that she's a better companion. She's got much more dialog and backstory and great voice acting. Tough to beat, unless you hate the idea of her character.
IMO Piper isn't the best companion in FO4, and none of them compare to Serana. Piper is like a half-step between old-school BGS companions and Serana. She's well done for what she is (if the perky newsgirl trope doesn't offend you), but built on a smaller scale.
Cass would win.
Cait is just an offensive Irish stereotype. A default setting for "personality". It's like they watched The Quiet Man, and mixed it up by making the character female and more "progressive".
I'm... ashamed of the stereotype if I'm honest.
My favorite all time would still be Alyx Vance from HL2, but I'll put Serana over Piper, though I am really liking Piper. The ending for Serana was disappointing though whereas with Piper you have a little more to look forward to.
Serana, easily for me, still the best companion in a Beth game imo.