The whole Minutemen line is idiotic from the start.
* Hey random guy/girl help us we are attacked by raiders!
* Oh, you killed like 6 of them? Wow! Take the Power Armor and Minigun, cos we can't be bothered with them and we trust you not to kill us. LOL, and if you try to kill us, we are all invincible anyway, even though only Preston is important to the questline. Now kill the remaining Raiders and an effin Deathclaw in the first hour of the game. Nice.
* Let's go to Sactuary! What's that? No, you can't forbid or kick us out of there. We will sleep in your bed. And we will order you to make more beds, cos we can't be bothered again. We will just pretend to bang on stuff and work hard, but accomplish nothing.
* Now you a-hole go and help other settlers, because we told you.
* Back again? Job done? Great! Now you're the General of MM! Still you're gonna report to Preston, because you are his b**ch. Grats moron.
* Continue to slave for us and build a f***ing chair for the junkie Mama Murphy.
* LOLOLOLOLOL! "trollface"
* Profit!
Bethesda treats us like complete idiots.