OK, so I'm nearing the end of the game now and one thing is really bothering me about the story... Who is actually in charge of the Minutemen? I'm supposed to be their general and yet I have Preston giving me all the orders and I'm just obeying what he says like some kind of hired muscle - even if his orders include mass murder for no good reason, which I wholely disagree with.
I know that you need to have a quest-giver to advance the story, but it would've been nice if I could've somehow felt in charge like I'm supposed to be. There are times where I'd like to say "No! Bad Preston! Bad!".
I am not at all comfortable with the extreme measures that all the sides come up with to resolve their conflicts at the end-game but at least I expect it from the BOS and Institute, who have warped world views. The Minutemen should know better. Aren't they supposed to be all about peace?