Like I said, I've never made a orc or either of the 2 beast races. I think I could play an Argonian, though...just not a civilized one.
Matter of fact, the way I'd do it is to make a lizard-man who's just totally savage. Never goes into towns, just murders, maims and kills any human or elf he comes across. I wanna do a cat-person eventually, but that'll happen in Skyrim before it happens in Oblivion, I'm afraid.
I've got an Argonian named Swims-With-Humans that I've "created" but who isn't quite in the world yet. Assuming I launch him as a character, he's going to be a serious "honorable" Monk type. I could even see him doing the Knights of the Nine, although just having been through that with Etta, I'm not too eager to start it again right away. The problem is that once I got started, it would be S-W-H's decision.

I've also got Reebok gro-Letis, who is somewhere halfway between Chorrol and Cheydinhal, having just joined the Fighters Guild. He's been pushed aside by Silvonwe's insistence on saving the world. And Wild Elf has gotten herself mixed up in shenanigans too. So little time, so many characters screaming for attention!