Interestingly, the main areas where the game is getting some criticism are entirely accessible to modding.
So it will be good to see what can come to console...
Interestingly, the main areas where the game is getting some criticism are entirely accessible to modding.
So it will be good to see what can come to console...
It seems like animations are struck down again? Anything else is open for modding.
Let me put in a plug here for a mod console players will seriously need.
I am hoping the modder community will come up with a way to open up the debug console on consoles.
I know Todd says it is not available on consoles - but I know for dang sure they did not remove all the supporting code.
I don't plan on using or creating any mods until I have played the game vanilla.
Other than maybe muting the protagonist, that might be an early mod to add.
Well I kow the first thing I am going to try when the game goes live is to fire up the Skyrim tools and see how far I get. Skyrim Creation Kit has a "fair" chance of loading the assets.
That goes for TES5Edit and savetool also. Would be cool if Finis "just works" for animations.
We need a mod that corrects the poor game design that resulted in equipped weapons not showing on characters.
This game NEEDS mods, needs them like air.
I will be once I've played through it a couple times and know what I want to mod.
I'm wondering what types of mods will be allowed on consoles. Reasoning is that I buy console first and get the PC version later on when I can afford PC upgrades, which as a college student is less and less now.
-Will mods that change animations function? Like the acrobatics mods for Skyrim?
-Will mods that add extra perks, abilities, dialogue work?
-Will companion mods work or be allowed?
-Better texture mods? Mods that changed the appearances of NPC (So Piper doesn't look like she is wearing someone else's face)?
I believe I read that the +18 (nudity, etc.) types of mods will not be allowed, but I'm wondering what else that would function, but won't be allowed to play on console.
No one really knows yet, Anything else is speculation, really.
But, if I were to speculate, I'd say that anything you can do with the GECK (no third-party code like FOSE or NVSE) will be possible. But even then there will be restrictions - you won't be seeing high-res textures on the consoles since they simply can't handle it.
I really hope someone mods this in.
Just to stop hearing about this.
Yeah, I figured I would have seen something if it were announced. I mean, the actual GECK won't be released til 2016 IIRC.
I'm sure anything that would result in above 1080p textures wouldn't function and what not, but improved textures within the bounds of what the consoles can handle should be fine I would hope. Other games put out some absolutely gorgeous character models on the consoles, so I'm hoping stuff like that will work.
It is a shame about script extenders, but I would also speculate that those won't be allowed. Which is highly unfortunate considering a great deal of the "best" mods require a script extender to function.
I'm fully expecting complete disappointment with mods on consoles, but we will see I guess. I plan on getting an "Ultimate Edition" for PC later down the line. My older gaming laptop can just barely meet the requirements, but I'd rather build a new desktop first. I have the money, but I'm extremely hesitant since it would be far wiser to spend it on non-luxury items.
Do you plan to use the protagonist's voice until you have played the game vanilla?
On a side note: I'm looking forward to item mods, radio stations, and whatever else. (Xbox One)