I've never modded a game before, but I'm interested in seeing what I could do with this one. I want to see how much of a varied RPG game concept I can make with the tools.
Pretty sure at least a few people are planning on changing the dialogue system and shutting up Nate/Nora. Hopefully, someone will start working on making the guns into proper right-handed versions, too, but that's gonna require new animations...
Thanks in advance to all the awesome creative modders out there, you guys make our games perfect
I think the first mod I'll investigate is a 'hardcoe Needs' mod I'm calling 'Vigor and Vitality'. The basic idea is to integrate needs for food and sleep into the game in a simple way, without timers and the like. Instead, as you lose HP you also lose Vitality - but your Vitality pool is a few multiples of your HP pool, and it doesn't regenerate when your HP does. Instead, it regenerates through eating food (which takes a few in-game hours).
Vigor works similarly, but drains when you use AP and is recovered through sleeping.
Both Vigor and Vitality can be recovered by drinking some water.
Like Rads, Vigor and Vitality put a cap on your max AP or HP, respectively.
Relatively simple, and would add those needs back into the game - but I'd really want to add something to the HP and AP bars on the HUD to indicate what capability has been due to lost Vigor/Vitality (similar to the Rads bar).
For anyone even thinking about modding, I have to recommend this from a different topic:
"Mikedzines, on 08 Nov 2015 - 8:34 PM, said: If anyone is interesting in learning real facts about how modding has helped Bethesda, http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1022107/Level-Design-in-a-Day by their Level Designer Joel Burgess. It's from GDC."
Count me in. I have so many plans I don't even know where to start.
Anyone planing on a DLC sized Mod, I recommend starting it from day one, or you will never see a release.
Since this thread is about modders in general and what they might have planned for the future.......there is 2 things I want more than anything from you talented guys.....
A) Expanding the building settlements/houses and truly make it phenominal like adding more materials or just plain more options.
Adding creature content like AWOP, new areas of exploration.
You guys take a great Bethesda game and make it even better with the mods you develop that add many more countless hours, and for that I thank you and can't wait to see what you have in store for FO4.
I've got some ideas, but I'll have to play the game a bit first before something really jumps out at me.
I'm still fixing up mods that I released for Skyrim ><
I should probably post an update before Fallout 4 hits haha.
In time. I always play the original game first the way Bethesda designed it, and then after a couple of playthroughs I do mods. I've always enjoyed both vanilla and modded.
I think I should complete the main quest for Fallout 4 before I add anything to this game.
I've made so much stuff for Skyrim, worked with a lot of people, play tested so many mods for it, and have 2,000+ hours on it....Never finished the main quest ><
... maybe.
Honestly I'm more interested to see if they've done http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/35897/? yet.
I will be stoked to mod FO4. I have modded Skyrim & FNV soooooo many times and really enjoyed it.
Just want to give a HUGE thank you to all modders for the phenomenal work they do.
I think FO4 will look fantabulous with better textures and ENB. Hoping for an immersive UI overhaul like Gopher's, really dig that mod.
Also I like to play female characters after initial play through, so would like someone to mod the perks to bring back Black Widow if that's possible.
Am saving up for a next gen. GPU with more VRAM just for modding. Hoping 8GB will become std. on midrange cards with HBM VRAM.
Have a GTX 780ti with 3GB at present.
Hope you all enjoy the game,
At some point, but i want the full vanilla experience first. So i'll probably start checking out nexus after New Years and then keep modding for the next 4 years until TES VI comes out.
I've been working on a mod off and on for the longest time... unfortunately Fo3 just didn't have some of the functionality that the mod requires, and since I didn't want to port it from Fo3 to Fo:NV (on certain levels it seemed that NV had the desired functionality, but the setting just didn't work for me) the mod has been in limbo.
So I'm looking at what needs to be done to shoe horn it into Fo4. Meanwhile I'm gathering assets I'll need and working on the writing (making the words in the sentences sound not svcky), which always needs work.
I'll, no doubt, probably spend at least as much time modding as playing. Release day snuck up on me. It's gonna use Papyrus as its scripting language, I trust?
i'm not a modder but i'm stoked to see what other people will produce, skyrim had some really wicked mods I expect fallout fans to be just as devoted if not moreso
This concept is by far the best I've seen for a realistic needs mod. My biggest issue with other mods is that there is no good timer. It's either too short and eating/drinking etc. becomes annoying or too long and there is no point to the mod. I really hope you go through with this.
One of the reviews states they've used the same instance of Creation Kit like in Skyrim with minor additions, though I do not know how they would figure this without the CK installed? Maybe a dev told them?