You can still ask here
What mods are you looking for?
Not exactly the same but similar: including Tulius.
For Daedric armor, kind of looks like Oblivion, but with the helmet it looks more Morrowind. Personally, it looks like a hybrid of both.
I cannot find anything for Daedra summons, not sure if anyone has made models for those guys since they were not in vanilla Skyrim.
Hope that is what you are looking for
I've seen people convert armors directly from Oblivion into Skyrim, but we're not allowed to link to those in here because it's redistributing assets from another game without requiring people to own both. There's also a mod called Skyrim Monster Mod that includes new versions of all the daedra you mentioned, but the author was banned due to using other games' and mods' assests without the authors' permission. So again, I can't help you out with a link. Just do a big of digging on Google and you should be able to find what I'm describing. I can't say that I endorse the usage of such mods, but if you want Oblivion in Skyrim, that's the best you're going to get.
Probably because Morrowind&Skyrim > Oblivion.
Although it is generally said that if you want something specifically, you should attempt to make it yourself. Very VERY few modders take suggestions in any form because they are making things they want themselvses. And then through the spirit of the community they are nice enough to share their creations.