» Mon May 16, 2011 11:35 pm
Guys, just because he was a 'good guy' in one game, doesn't make him a 'good guy' in another. Only in Hollywood, and other badly written things is stuff that simple. In order to do what he wants, Akatosh/Alduin needs to destroy the Amulet of Kings, I reckon he tricked Martin into destroying it. Sure, he 'saved the day', but I think it was for his personal means.
Also, look at Morrowind, Vivec, ain't that simple a character (in my opinion, the best character in any video game ever). He seems to be a good guy, but he's NOT REALLY is he. Also, you being the Nerevarine an everything, and destroying the heat thus taking away Vivec's and the rest of the Tribunals power. Guided by Azura, when you actually look at it, you are just a pawn in a Daedric Prince having revenge against Vivec and the Tribunal.