The weapon damage makes even less sense. a pipe rifle that fires 308 does less damage then a bolt action rifle that fires a 308... a 308 bullet is a 308 bullet. if it hits you, no matter what it came out of, it does the same damage.
Yes the F4 Assault Rifle looks like, ass. We already have plenty of weapons from Fallout Lore, but none of them made it into the game in favor of some new junkie looking crap. We have AK47's in Fallout, we had 10mm submachine guns, we had the military grade semi-automatic sniper rifles, the 223 pistol, no one remembers that gun? or should I say. The Gun..
They ditched a lot of the lore's weaponry for some new designed crap that looks out of place.
The armor is extremely unbalanced and most of it looks like crap as well, considering we have long standing examples of what the military in the Fallout universe issued soldiers, the OD green combat suit, the Sturdy Combat Armor does its best to look like it, but its so freaking bulky it looks utterly stupid in comparison, it should feel more like the leather armor, but it wears more like plate armor from the 1500's. The full suits of armor, ie Kellog's armor, drifter armor look good and people want to wear them, but they are so inferior you can't bring yourself to wear it over the layered armor and plan to survive.
There is 2 clothing items, Army Fatiques, and baseball outfit, that are far overpowered compared to any other clothing, they offer +stats and are modifiable by the railroad, all other clothing either is not moddable or offers nothing more then 2 dmg reduction.
Why the hell are these 2 suits of clothing so much better then the others? Why the hell do we need the modding community to fix this crap, does Bethesda not see how utterly crappy the game balance is here?
Everyone that wants to play on a harder difficulty is going to end up using the exact same weapons, because certain ones simply do more damage then others even if they use the same ammo, they will wear the same clothing for the best bonuses and the same armors.
How the hell is modifications a game play feature? Its just a linear progression till you have the best stuff and then thats it.. that's not Customization thats a leveling system.
Some of the weapons we have now are also so stupid like the tommy gun. a 45 cal round that does 10 dmg while a 32cal round is doing like 27? That's just moronic.
This isn't realism or anti realism, its just plain stupid, they are essentially scraping immersion for cheap gameplay and the lore for crap they think the new people will like.
The Survival difficulty is just a complete [censored] in a toilet bowl. How damn generic can you get to just crank up enemy damage and hps and call it a difficulty setting? screw you.. that's so half assed and lazy I can't even voice my real feelings on it in public.