» Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:56 am
Exactly. It makes no sense. It's design is based off a WWI water cooled MACHINE GUN...and this is the 5.56 chambered weapon for the game. Disappointing. I think, along with many others apparently, that this is a bad a design decision, and not based on "realism" so much, as to how it looks while wearing power armor. My 5.56 ammo just sits there in my inventory, because the FO4 assault rifle is super inefficient and far too heavy.
AK and ARs fit perfectly into the lore. To say otherwise is ridiculous. I'm sure they were only left out because of the whole power armor/energy weapon focus for the franchise that Bethesda has. I hope they fix it. If not, Millennia will.
I love the game, but why anyone wants to defend Bethesda on this one by saying anyone who disagrees with Bethesda's weapon design choice is looking for "Gun Nut 101," is beyond me. It simply makes zero sense to remove ARs and AKs as standard military issue weapons in the northeast and replace them with a regressive design like this Maxim-Vickers mishmash thing they're trying to pretend is an assault rifle. The math is simple: 7 pounds vs 15 pounds. Shame really, I got a lot of 5.56 ammo in my inventory and have no use for it, since I don't really like wearing power armor all that much to make it worthwhile.