this is a bit of a rant on my personal annoyance of some of the guns in fallout 4, however before i start i would like to point out fallout 4 so far is my favorite game of all time but i feel i need to do this. that being said here's a list of my biggest gun gripes:
1. assault rifles-who the hell decided that it would be a great idea to put a water cool on the damn barrel? these weapons are supposed to be from year 2077 or something like that and they're rocking WW1 weapons tech? absolute garbage, the reason we went from water cooling barrels to air cooled is because its more efficient both on resources and carry weight, also it takes the load off of the barrel allowing better accuracy.
2.side fed magazines-again with the far out dated tech, feed from the bottom magazines are of much better use and who ever thought that WW2 idea would "look cool" might have wanted to do their homework when it came to the subject. side fed magazines for the most part have been phased out with the exception of a very few modern day light machine guns even though disintegrating belt and/or bottom fed mags work with greater efficiency and less jams. if they wanted to be accurate with their mags they could have made the weapons bull pup designed because most modern countries are adopting them and its only a matter of time till weapons like the steyer, TAR and famas are an infantry man standard issue.
3. weapon modding-i love the weapon modding except for a few issues such as chopped weapons. who in their right mind thought a hunting rifle should be dolled out with a 4 inch barrel and no stock? is the design team smoking crack up at bethesda? some of them make sense like the double barrel shot gun......ok that pretty much the only one i could think of, but your gonna sit there and tell me a standard hunting rifle or combat rifle or combat shotgun does not have a [censored] stock on it? are you [censored]ting me? and as for how guns work why in the hell do the suppressor, muzzle break and compensator destroy your range? iv been trying to wrap my head around that one since i read that on the mod list, a suppressor actually evens out the gas pressure behind the bullet and in doing so helps its muzzle velocity to achieve a better average effective ranges, albeit not by a lot but that's not a penalty that the weapons should have to pay. and one last gripe before i'm done....caliber swaps, the hunting rifle in particular, when you swap the .308 to .50 how does your fire rate increase, why does your weapon sound the exact same and doesn't this upgrade completely [censored] a deathclaws day up with a head shot even on very easy while sneaking? the .50 caliber round goes through steal plates and can still ruin your day if your behind it.
in conclusion these are my gripes
assault rifles-give us back the M4 or something similar please this new one is stupid
magazines-side fed mags are old and [censored]...come on bethesda you can do so much better we've seen it
weapon mods-some serious research went into them and they work great...mostly, i think there needs to be some tweaking to a few things
if you read through all that i applaud you, please feel free to throw on some of your gun gripes or if you want to know how guns actually work ask me ill have no problem explaining