Altmer- useful
Breton- semi useful
Dunmer- useless
bosmer- useless
orismer- useless
imperial- extremely useless (please don't pick this race)
khajiit- useless (unless you're a cat-lover)
argonian- useless (unless you have a fetish for lizards)
redguard- useless (unless you want to be black)
Nord- useless
Later on, you are put at a disadvantage if you pick any other race other than Breton and Altmer..
This is exaggerated, of course, but still true
I didn't realise that the Argonians 10x Health Regeneration was useless. Same goes for Dark Elves being able to stomp on Dragons, and Nords being able to take on Draugr without a care in the world, nevermind having an awesome Crowd Control ability. It's funny because High Elves are actually worthless, especially on higher difficulties, because magic is gimped (at least when it comes to dealing damage).
People who have no idea what they're talking about are adorable.