So who is the true villain?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:11 pm

Im at the decision point and cant decide. They all have valid points, theyre all making horrendously stupid decisions.

RR releasing Synths without thinking of longterm consequences, see libertalia. BoS mugging farmers and being super bigots. Institute releasing Super Mutants into the commonwealth.
Is there truly one better than the other? I mean at first I was gonna go BoS like I always do in every fallout but then I met Maxon Then I felt RR but then after seeing Libertalia and hearing their ending it was like whoa whoa whoa...Even Deacon says it. You cant trust anyone. And finally the Institute. Shaun, first glance it all seems great but it feels culty. Dont drink the cool aid amiright? And they've done questionable things but its never really been kept secret. Ugh help my brain hurts

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