Who thinks this game is awesome now?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:28 pm


"Press start to begin"

"Adjust your TV brightness"

Horrible story.. It can hardly be called a sequel, more like an expansion.

Horrible multiplayer is entirely consolized and lacks innovation of ANY sort. Get Crytek UK's paws of my Crysis!

No patching can fix the lasting impression this game leaves, which is nothing more than a console cash grab. Not some SDK that let's the community clean up all the developer's problems, not some DX11 patch that will destroy performance because it will probably lack optimizations like Multi-threaded rendering.... Nothing will fix it.

You can put cologne on dog **** to make it smell better... But its still ****.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:52 pm

I'd be happy all over again as long as all the stuff they say they are going to do, they actually do, and it all works like they say it will. Can't really ask more than that.

I do think the game is cool, and awesome and all that, and it will be even more so when everything works properly and we get all the extra little goodies they announced.
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Ian White
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:11 pm

So its like if you fart in a jar, and then later open the jar, the fart might smell different but its still the same fart?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:08 am

I'm just pissed off at this game right now, so I'm gonna save my vote for next week's patch.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:29 am

No, I am happy they are giving us these tools and I can't wait for the mods but I want to see them fix all the bugs and issues that are currently in the game.

There's also so many things they could give the PC version back that were once in the series. Lean, Prone, advance graphic options, the long list of menu options that the previous games had, high res textures etc, etc, etc.

I will say this, they are continually supporting the game which I'm glad to see. I just hope they keep it up and not simply toss these tools our way and leave the rest for us to clean up.
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:36 am

No, I am happy they are giving us these tools and I can't wait for the mods but I want to see them fix all the bugs and issues that are currently in the game.

There's also so many things they could give the PC version back that were once in the series. Lean, Prone, advance graphic options, the long list of menu options that the previous games had, high res textures etc, etc, etc.

I will say this, they are continually supporting the game which I'm glad to see. I just hope they keep it up and not simply toss these tools our way and leave the rest for us to clean up.

that just might be the plan(to a certain extent)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:14 am

wow what a bunch of consumer sheeple. The games still broke, was released way to early. Sorry guys but I'm done supporting developers and publishers that thinks it's ok to charge 60 dollars for a beta. That's exactly what they did....I was here from day one and they released an unfinished game and then most of the community had to point them in a direction of what was/is messed up....that's a beta. When I buy a car I expect it to run, when I buy a pizza I expect all the toppings. 5 years ago games were never released in this condition. 2010 was the year of EA fail as far as I'm concerned....BFBC2, great now but took over a month to get there. MOH....same damn issues that BFBC2 had and they abandoned that game altogether....now this game was even worse and by far the worst launch I have ever ever seen. I pray to the gaming gods they do not FUBAR up BF3....it's all the PC gaming FPS community has left.

Exactly my thoughts sir. BF3 is our only hope, I dont think the worldwide PC gaming community will be too happy if BF3 is all buggy on release.

We essentially paid for a beta, absolutely correct.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:05 am

No, I am happy they are giving us these tools and I can't wait for the mods but I want to see them fix all the bugs and issues that are currently in the game.

There's also so many things they could give the PC version back that were once in the series. Lean, Prone, advance graphic options, the long list of menu options that the previous games had, high res textures etc, etc, etc.

I will say this, they are continually supporting the game which I'm glad to see. I just hope they keep it up and not simply toss these tools our way and leave the rest for us to clean up.

that just might be the plan(to a certain extent)

Yeah, I'm prepared for that...also prepared to continue letting them know how pissed I am about it if that's the case too.

In the end if they do stick this out with us and continue making the game the PC version I believe we deserve, if they would've come out in the beginning and said..."Hey PC community, we are releasing this game in what would be considered to some as a beta version. Please trust we are committed to continue working with you every step of the way to make this game the best it can be. So give us your feedback and we'll work together to make this the PC version you deserve as committed Crysis fans". I would not feel as embarrased and betrayed about the whole thing at this point.

Still hoping for the best...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:14 am

it seems the trend of the responses in this thread does not match the poll results
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:05 am

<3 YES xD
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:20 am

Announcement of awesome =/= awesome now. A no vote from me.
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phil walsh
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:25 pm

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:03 am

Now that the modding tools + CryEngine 3 SDk and DirectX 11 patch have been announced (considering that they have been working on DX11 since November, it has been almost 6 months, so it much be pretty feature packed), who thinks this game is finally living up to its expectations? Personally I'm fully forgiving Crytek.

And if you're not happy tell us what else you want.

From my experience with this game i can say that C2 was great from beginning. SP took me over 11h and i enjoyed it, even now i am just messing around in some locations for fun or looking for epic views because graphic is just gorgeous. Sunset on "Lighthouse" map and light rendering on objects simply blow my mind :X Multi is fun, even with so many cheaters i didn't encounter many, prolly because they don't play much on EA servers. Anyway, i always have fun playing MP and it isn't boring at all.

What will happen after patch, who knows, but game is amazing.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:37 am

"Awsome" .. No, not yet anyway. It should've been "awsome" on release day. I am pleased to here about the "DirectX 11 Patch" .. but I also want a "x64 bit mode" .. so I won't say anything until the day I can download it, install it, and see the "features / enhancements".

Regardless though.. only part of it worth playing right now is "singleplayer" .. until they do something solid to aid in some serious "cheat detection", "Awsome" and "Crysis 2" will only be used in the same sentence once with me, and what I just typed was it.

I "do like playing Crysis 2" online, that is until the hacker joins. I see alot of them too, some just blatantly all out hacking not caring who sees, and some trying to disguise it and act like they're eleet, both types make me sick. Lately I've been playing CS:Source more than Crysis 2 .. so what does that tell you?

I can be patient and wait for "directX 11 / x64 bit" .. but I have no patience or tolerance for "hackers".. it's also discouraging to see things like "there is a chance some legitimate players may get banned" as the system monitors players... something else we have to deal with now? Errr... so if you are a legitimate player that gets banned, just how long does that process take to work out?

I think they need a better cheat detection system.. for one, it does'nt seem to be working to well, and if it starts banning legit players, that's not a good thing! Maybe they should inform us if there are "certain things" that could result in having legitimate players banned... like if you run certain software / utilities while running Crysis 2 that may give off a false positive.

I am already upset because of the hackers, I think I might loose it if I was mistakenly banned because I was a false positive.

First thing to do.. is get ahold of all these "illegal serial codes" and blacklist them.. next thing, get ahold of all the "key generators" the produce illegal codes and blacklist those codes too..

They need to have a few Crytek developers pulled aside for the "sole purpose" of finding hacks for Crysis 2 and download them and pick them apart, also have the job of finding these illegal codes / keygen makers. Have them constantly updating their anti-cheat software to stay one step ahead of the hackers.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:11 am

im happy for the released tools and dx11. but what will mod tools and dx11 give us? name a great mod from crysis1 that everyone plays. i am betting dx11 will not be a major improvement over dx9 since the game was not built from the ground up in dx11.

what i would like to see is the return of the 5 suit options. i dont mind linear gameplay but i would love to see more open world areas. at least crysis 1 levels of real environmental destruction, not just scripted ones. options for high res textures. keep the original multiplayer c1 style, it is what makes crysis unique. ah and also do something about the cheaters, permabans would work.

i do appreciate the frame rates of crysis 2 though i think that is the biggest achivement of crysis 2, better frames. but a dumber game than Crysis 1. thus a no vote for me.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:49 am

Now that the modding tools + CryEngine 3 SDk and DirectX 11 patch have been announced (considering that they have been working on DX11 since November, it has been almost 6 months, so it much be pretty feature packed), who thinks this game is finally living up to its expectations? Personally I'm fully forgiving Crytek.

And if you're not happy tell us what else you want.
Interesting thing about this game is that everything is announced but not yet released (i bought the game freakin month ago and it's still broken).
I won't say it's a good game untit it will realy work ... don't you people ever learn? Crytek promises = zero excitement.
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