» Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:27 am
Not I
Im glad their trying to improve the pc version though.
Thanks Crytek
Crysis 2 is just not really my type of game. I like the game play better in cry1, wars I mean thats how I became a fan. Too much content is gone in cry2 for me. Its things like flyin the Vtol, physics, killin those dudes in cool, crazy ways, dorkin around throwin shlt at things, morning birds a singin, turtles, frogs jumpin off, swimmin with the fishies, killed by sharks, open land, throwin frogs at the slanties, tank battles, replayability, pushed the boundries, forced Graphics card makers to say holy shlT..............
Sad to say it just cant be awsome for me
Id be **** amazed if I had frogs greeting me in NYC. Maybe in central park, although I have never been there.