Who is Vice President

Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:28 pm

If Kimball dies (which canonically I think he does) who takes his place? Or is there simply an election?
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casey macmillan
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:12 am

Probably Edward Sallow. It makes sense. Why do you think he's bald? So he can wear a wig! He is pitting the two factions against each other! While he is away, he has a body double. The Mojave campaign isn't popular, and if the Legion succeeds at conquering the Mojave, Kimball will most likely have to resign. If he does, Caesar will become President of the NCR. He will make the Legion give up the Mojave easily, claiming it was "all tactics" and win the support of California. Edward Sallow, President of NCR, hero of the Mojave! The Man who put Kimball in his place!
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:41 pm

If Kimball dies (which canonically I think he does) who takes his place? Or is there simply an election?

Um, I reeeeeeeally doubt that the canon would be him dying
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:37 am

Probably Edward Sallow. It makes sense. Why do you think he's bald? So he can wear a wig! He is pitting the two factions against each other! While he is away, he has a body double. The Mojave campaign isn't popular, and if the Legion succeeds at conquering the Mojave, Kimball will most likely have to resign. If he does, Caesar will become President of the NCR. He will make the Legion give up the Mojave easily, claiming it was "all tactics" and win the support of California. Edward Sallow, President of NCR, hero of the Mojave! The Man who put Kimball in his place!

So Caesar's Legion is some huge convaluted plan to make himself the President of the NCR? Seems like a likely story.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:14 am

If Kimball dies (which canonically I think he does) who takes his place? Or is there simply an election?

Assuming the NCR follows a similar presidential succession protocol as the United States, then it would indeed be the Vice-President as Kimball died in office. Whoever the Vice-President of the NCR is.

That said though, I really doubt the canon ending is Kimball dying.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:10 am

I too question Kimball's death being canon.

Kimball dying would mean:

-A sudden change in the NCR, probably for the better. They'd be less warbound, which doesn't make for good games...
-The NCR would be ticked off at Vegas. Seems unneccesary, and, considering that the game protagonists generally do good and are seen as heroes, it would seem pretty weird if the canon ending turned out to be "the Courier secured an independent New Vegas, but managed to piss the NCR off in the process, ruining Vegas' economy and creating further conflict with the NCR in the future." Pretty bad ending...
-The NCR is demoralized and the Legion is in good spirits, then the Legion loses? (incredibly unlikely that Legion is canon) Pretty anti-climactic.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:26 pm

Probably Edward Sallow. It makes sense. Why do you think he's bald? So he can wear a wig! He is pitting the two factions against each other! While he is away, he has a body double. The Mojave campaign isn't popular, and if the Legion succeeds at conquering the Mojave, Kimball will most likely have to resign. If he does, Caesar will become President of the NCR. He will make the Legion give up the Mojave easily, claiming it was "all tactics" and win the support of California. Edward Sallow, President of NCR, hero of the Mojave! The Man who put Kimball in his place!

This is one of the most awesome things I've ever read on these forums! Thank you for making my day! :celebration:
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:09 pm

I too question Kimball's death being canon.

Kimball dying would mean:

-A sudden change in the NCR, probably for the better. They'd be less warbound, which doesn't make for good games...
-The NCR would be ticked off at Vegas. Seems unneccesary, and, considering that the game protagonists generally do good and are seen as heroes, it would seem pretty weird if the canon ending turned out to be "the Courier secured an independent New Vegas, but managed to piss the NCR off in the process, ruining Vegas' economy and creating further conflict with the NCR in the future." Pretty bad ending...
-The NCR is demoralized and the Legion is in good spirits, then the Legion loses? (incredibly unlikely that Legion is canon) Pretty anti-climactic.

I think if Kimball died, it would be a good thing, from the looks of things the Mojave campaign isn't popular and Kimball isn't either. I doubt the NCR would be coming back. I honestly think that canon-wise, House will win which would result in both Kimball and Caesar still living.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:49 am

I think if Kimball died, it would be a good thing, from the looks of things the Mojave campaign isn't popular and Kimball isn't either. I doubt the NCR would be coming back. I honestly think that canon-wise, House will win which would result in both Kimball and Caesar still living.

Yeah, if House wins, I think it's the best ending because:

Kimball is publicly disgraced
Oliver is highly likelycommits suicide
And Edward dies of that tumor. Looks like God is getting the last laugh now Eddie my boy :P

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