Who wants to give me some tips?

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:40 pm

I like a bit of sniping and am about average, but I have been killed by snipers more than I have killed them.
On some of the killcams I have no idea how they know where I am from so far away. I mean, I have been cloaked, in the shadows and BAM, I get head shot. I have tried looking where I know the snipers are, but I cannot for the life of me see them like they seem to be able to see me.
My eyes aren't that bad either :).
Most of the kills I can live with as I am an older guy, but these sort of kills stump me.
I do not want to say they are cheating, because it is too hard to say because of there k/d ratio, so there must be a giveaway somewhere?
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jess hughes
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:48 pm

I only really get killed by snipers in light house and yeh there is an odd way that some of them can see cloaked people. Sometimes I'm even cloaked behind bushed and they can still see me and I really don't get it.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:24 am

Sounds like Visor Tagging to me - most snipers will be scanning the map with their visor and they will highlight & tag you. This makes it much easier to shoot down cloaked enemies at distance even behind obstacles. It also makes you appear to their team with a red arrow above your head.

Blind spot lvl 2 counters this, you can't be tagged when it's one of your mods. When they spot you and try to tag you a little red x will flash up on their hud. They will know you're there but won't be able to alert the rest of their team unless they are using chat.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:59 am

Hi, i won't give you any tips because i'm not a sniper but i did try only once and i can say that it is pretty easy to see cloaked people, just zoom and " scan " the whole map, you'll see cloaked people as if they are in front of you, clear as water. You can also use your visor lock to mark them. Also some are using visor enhance that highlights enemies in scopes etc...

So again i'm not a sniper pro but from what i saw i can understand that some players might think there's some cheats but no, when i got the game on day one i was wondering how the hell they could snipe me from that far while being cloaked, i don't like to accuse people of cheating if i'm not sure so i had to try..

Now wait for a sniper pro to get some real tips ^^
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:41 am

. Also some are using visor enhance that highlights enemies in scopes etc...

It could very well be this. But ive never really used this perk so im not sure how strong it is.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:38 am

I heard that it is quite powerful, you can see enemies behind obstacles....
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Bitter End
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:59 am

Yeah you can see their outline through walls if you have visor enhance. You still can't shoot them through walls but if their behind trees or something then you can get them. Works best on night maps but you have to be in scope constantly to get benefit. Also I heard that once upgraded it would auto tag enemies through scopes but that doesn't seem to be the case. Lvl 3 offers protection from flash bangs but as no one ever uses them it makes it a really weak upgrade.

I prefer to use the visor so anyone I see I can tag for the rest of the team.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:13 am

Yeah you can see their outline through walls if you have visor enhance. You still can't shoot them through walls but if their behind trees or something then you can get them. Works best on night maps but you have to be in scope constantly to get benefit. Also I heard that once upgraded it would auto tag enemies through scopes but that doesn't seem to be the case. Lvl 3 offers protection from flash bangs but as no one ever uses them it makes it a really weak upgrade.

I prefer to use the visor so anyone I see I can tag for the rest of the team.You're correct that it doesn't auto-tag enemies while in scope but you're really wrong about what [Visor Enhance]'s T3 does.

[Visor Enhance I]: Treats all enemies while aiming your weapon as if they were tagged (but they are not truly tagged as in being marked for other team-mates to see), giving them a red aura that shows up even whilst stealthed and with an aura range big enough to see them through walls if they're close enough to them. This makes them easier to spot in the distance and even while stealthed.

[Visor Enhance II]: Reduces or negates the effects of Flash bang grenades, eliminating the possiblity of being blinded and having your movement and aiming speeds greatly reduced. This is very useful for the flash-bang users themselves because they can throw their own F-Bs on the ground and sustain the explosion with little harm. It's like having an explosive that can hurt others but not you, providing they don't also have [Visor Enhance II].

[Visor Enhance III]: Reduces the energy cost of nanovision, regardless of how 'crap' nanovision is, if you want to spot stealthed players more easily you'd want to give this a try every once in a while.

At the end, you'll be able to spot enemies while aiming, be immune to flash-bangs and be able to use nanovision more efficiently, making it quite useful against stealth except for when [Blind Spot] users are involved.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:10 am

I use visor enhance III and have seen enemies through objects etc. Do enemies get tagged when visor enhance is enabled, or do you have to use the 'visor' itself (B key)?
I can understand being hit when/if I have been 'tagged,' but even then, if I am shot through tree branches/bushes etc. with just one shot to the head, I don't see how it's possible? Unless the tag sits directly on the tagged persons head so that you know where to aim?
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Assumptah George
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:36 pm

I use visor enhance III and have seen enemies through objects etc. Do enemies get tagged when visor enhance is enabled, or do you have to use the 'visor' itself (B key)?
I can understand being hit when/if I have been 'tagged,' but even then, if I am shot through tree branches/bushes etc. with just one shot to the head, I don't see how it's possible? Unless the tag sits directly on the tagged persons head so that you know where to aim?To truly tag an enemy you must use your visor binocs yes. You'll know it works because it causes a red arrow to point down from above their head, as if they were an ally (in the way you know where all your allies are since their arrows point over their heads).

Tagging doesn't actually last forever, probably fades after 15-30 seconds, but definitely fades after they've been killed. Additionally you don't have to point at their head to tag them, any part of their body works although the detection rate is reduces if they're in cover or partially obscured, it does seem to work through some foilage. I recommend right-click zooming in with the binocs since it seems to improve or speed up tagging rates, as if the enemy has to fill a certain amount of the little box marks around the crosshairs to trigger.

To summarise, Tagged enemies gain a red aura for a short time or until death, they also gain a red arrow above them which your team-mates can also see. Those using the visor binocs are capable of tagging you from as far as one side of Lighthouse to the other if they use their right-click zoom to get the best look at you. And also you can be tagged even while in stealth, which is often why some expert taggers just scan their binocs across the field to catch out those unlucky enough to be sweeped past by it.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:02 am

If you tag someone and an ally kills them you get an assist :)
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Peter lopez
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:17 am

Pretty much spotting (visor mode), and visor enhance will let me smash people across the map with a sniper rifle (i only bother sniping on lighthouse, because i cbf running from one end to the other, and none of our snipers can keep 4 enemy snipers down simultaneously). Also don't

a) use the same spot, if you just died somewhere, run the hell in the opposite direction, and pick a new fire lane.
b) stand still, always strafe. You might walk into a few shots fired by incompetents, but you'll dodge more accurate ones.
c) use common spots, windows, bushes. I can see cloaked people across the map even without visor enhance, its hard, but not impossible if you know what you're looking for. Prefiring windows and bushes as i work out a firing ark also clears my fire lane of snipers.
d) put the dot on the head. at least with the guass rifle, the bullet seems to hit abit above the dot, pisses me off to no end, i have to aim at the neck at long range.
e) use a silenced dsg-1. theres a guass rifle mate, use it.

gl and don't snipe too much :P.
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