1. How do you decide what kind of mod you will do either individually or as a member of a modding team?
I have never really worked in a team. When I want to mod, I mod what I want ta that moment, so it could be anything.
2. What kind of information do you need when doing a mod?
Since I always do mods myself, I mostly require no additional info. Sometimes, when I want to be correct about some facts, I may go through USPWiki.
3. What kind of knowledge do you need when doing a mod?
Mostly I just build my mods with vanilla stuff, except for dialogues and quests, of course, so I need to know how CS works and that's it.
4. Where do you find this information?
I discover it myself, or read some tutorials.
5. How did you learn how to mod?
Once I wondered, how easy is it to make something in MW, so I just opened CS and started doing stuff, that's how I basically learn, apart from tuts.
6. How do you share information and ideas with other mod team members?
Currently Skype.
7. If someone is ‘mentoring’ you, or vice versa, how do you communicate with them to share information?
PMs, Skype and tuts.
8. Do you find it helpful to know more than one aspect of modding, such as modeling?
I find it perfect, to be able to make everything you want, just as you want it to be. Currently learning to model.
9. How do you approach the work involved in making a mod, either alone or as a member of a team?
I work alone, so I do the mods at my own pace, depending on how much stuff i have to do outside CS and my mood.

10. Do certain parts of the mod have to be done before others?
Not really.
11. Can you describe the normal processes you go through to create a mod?
1: Allways the idea.
2: starting to create concepts for landscape, interiors. Taking notes.
3: Thinking of how the mod would look inside MW
4: Searching for moding resources
5: Landscape, playtest
6: Interiors, playtest
7: Deep detail, playtest
8: Dialogues+Quests, playtest
10:Showing it to others
11: Releasing
Hope it's good!
Cheers! :foodndrink: