The disease of power leveling brought forth from MMORPG's... If you wanna know what a Elder Scrolls MMO looks like, study behavior on the forums from some people.
Oh well, be level 1000 for all I care, I'm still level 14 with 100 hours in the game and I love every moment of it.

Exactly. This isn't WoW. Your level doesn't really matter. There's no other players to get an advantage on, and the game (to a point) scales with you. Going 31 levels above the softcap is seriously the most useless thing I can think of spending my time on. Wonder if this guy has done anything in the game other than stand in town making 100's of daggers, enchanting them, selling them, casting spells, and sneaking into a corner for hours to power level all his skills.
what skills do you have leveled up ?
From what I've read, 81 is a hard cap that you reach by getting to level 100 in every single skill. Which sounds terribly boring. Not to mention having a character that is a master mage, archer, thief, warrior, alchemist, enchanter, and blacksmith all rolled into one flies in the face of actually role-playing a character.