Island where this settlement is on is close to Vvanderfell (north-westish) so your NPCs can originate from Vvanderfell, Morrowind generally, or anywhere else from Tamriel.
Tileset of the town I've been playing with looks like this:
It will be changed, but whatever I change the style will remain the same, so these pics are here just so that you know where will your character live.

Note: these pics show undetailed and CS shots of the town with Bright Light option on.
1st part of the city layout.
Some more misc pics:
The list bellow is NPCs contributed so far. If it says 0/1 it means that there is one NPC available for that spot, and 0 means it's not taken. So 5/10 would mean that 5 spots are taken out of 10 available, obviously. If there is a single number, for example "commoner- 23", it means there are 23 commoner spots taken, and no maximum number is set. If there are two exclamation marks there (??- 0) it means that you can choose to be anything you want, from guard, to local thief.
List of NPCs:
Inn keeper- 0/1
Adventurers staying in- 0/2
?? -0
Library keeper- 0/1
?? -0
Shop Keeper- 0/1
Alchemists- 0/2
?? -0
Smith- 0/1
Smith Apprentice- 0/1
Alchemy University: (ideas on ice for now)
Guards: (on hold, since I don't know what kind of guards will I have)
That's it, for now. As soon as I build more I'll update the list of jobs available (all NPCs need to have a job except hobos, no one can be just a commoner living in there and doing nothing. You can specify if you want to be at your work, home or wander the streets. Shopkeepers don't have this luxury of course, and need to be present in the shop at all times. Ofc, if I find a scripter later, NPCs might be able to go home, to work and wander the streets depending on the day time.
You can have any clothes, head and hair as long as it's a stock one. Those using a replacer mods can wish for a stock head that they know is replaced by the head they like from the replacer they use, of course. In case you made a shirt, head, hair or anything else yourselff you can send it to me and your NPC will use it. I will not take requests such as "I use a head from this or that modder's mod, can you ask him yadda yadda". So stock, or your own work.

If you don't have to have a weapon, I'd like you not to, this is mostly a peaceful area and being able to defend against daedric army is simply not needed. If you have to own a sword or something, be tasteful. I will ignore requests such as "I want mah sword to be enchanted with fire dmg 100 pts on strike".
Since every house is a big family house, even shops and inns, you are free to request that you have a wife or husbant, partner or even pets (as long as those pets ar normal, again, I will ignore "I want to have 3 naked Dremora S&M slaves with strapons in my six dungeon beneath the house". If the mod will feature something like that it will likely be a quest.

Children are not in the plans for now, but at one point I will surely try to get permission from Emma to have them as well, so having children will be added option too.
Since this is all I can think of for now I'll finish it, if I update I'll add a little red NEW. Ideas, questions, help offers etc are all welcome. Thank you for the read.

To prevent further confusion; unless agreed differently, I do not need you to provide any more information than mentioned above. That being said, I don't need any dialogues written, I will do that myself.