Nanosuit 2 is easy to use. The biggest problem of the nanosuit 1 was that it took years to get into one mode ...
+ the xbox and ps3 gamepads dont have enough buttons for more modes

What is the point of sprint mode which use all energy to run like 30m, and after that leave player unprotected? Most of solutions from C1 regarding suite didn't make sense.
First of all abilities management from Crysis 1 never will work in Crysis 2, game is to intense,
Second, most of solutions from C1 suite was senseless, a billion dollar suite which can combine at least 2 abilities in same time? Seriously...
- you can't jump on something with cloak because you need switch to power mode to actually jump on something higher,
- you can't sprint with cloak.. i mean why? =.="
- you can't use armor mode and run faster,
- you can't use cloak and run fast,
and so on.....
Abilities management from C2 is seriously well-considered, while C1 suite management is just senseless at so many level :X
oh damn, you just said it all!