Ok first, I don't want to get into the debate about that one line from the none-canon bible you and some others cling to. There is a topic on that already.
Logic as in what Fallout 2, Fallout 3 and New Vegas tell us. I support my statements with what we know about these game, what was said and shown in them.
I don't believe there is any Enclave outside of North America. One table in Fallout 2 with blinking lights and one line from the none-canon bible writen nine-ten years ago long before Bethesda's Fallout 3 was every thought of. Alot of things happened to the Enclave since, IE Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
Fallout 2 makes it clear there are no bases but Navarro. Fallout 3 tells us that the East was Enclave free till after Fallout 2. New Vegas mentions Chicago as only being an outpost. Maybe there are more outposts along the way but ED-E does not mention them. Its just Rock, Chicago and Navarro. Based on the Games themselves its safe to say Chicago was settled, re-manned while the Enclave were moving to DC.
No, DC and the Capital Wasteland was Enclave free. There no other games on East coast so who knows, but it is safe to say there no Enclave in point lookout, the pitt, or on mothership zeta.
There is no data that says Enclave in Chicago were placed there on way east from Navarro or they were already there. That is pure speculation and guess. Also, it more than one outpost. Message from Ed-E is plural. And seeing how Ed-E has illinoiis license plate attached to his side, I would say he made contact.
You have no clue about Chicago cuz there been no rpg game there.
If DC area Enclave can communicate with Chicago, and be a relay as you suggest, there is no reason to put that recording on Ed-E when he can pick up radio and communicate "I'm sending Eyebot your way, send him on to Navarro".
From fallout 2 you have quote thanks to The Enclave where you lie and say you're from up north. If Navarro only base, that lie wouldn't work would it? You have always said all enclave soldiers know every detail about bases, etc, and if it how you say, and that only base, how did lie work? Is Chosen One a Jedi?
I may have to load up FO3, but it seems like a lot of NPC who only have lived in East know decent amount about the Enclave for this to be the first time they see them. Now, if Enclave only in Navarro and Rig, how would any npc besides BoS know a thing about Enclave?
Anyway, Chicago is pure speculation. If it was there before, formed from wc enclave, or what.
I don't have to clint to a statement. It is logical to do that, and I have figured that is exactly what they did before I even read it.