I am a little concerned about the armor in Skyrim. Every game that Bethesda has released since Morrowind, has had slightly less armor customization options than its predecessor. In the last two Fallout games armor was actually a one piece with zero customization options, and from what I see in Skyrim screenshots it appears that they have adopted that same method in the new Elder Scrolls. This is a disappointment for me to say the least. I love being able to make my own unique, original, personal armor set, and seeing the different variety on the NPCs keeps the world from having that same dull, repetitive feel that Fallout had. There is nothing I hate more than walking into a tavern or a bar and everyone is wearing the same damn thing. I am a huge fan of the original style Morrowind used. Not only could you change your gloves, boots, greaves, pauldrons, helmet, and chest piece; you could also decide between the left and right variations for each. This allowed for unmatched armor options and variety in NPCs. It was disappointing enough when they reduced these options with the release of Oblivion, but I was very sad to see it go altogether when Fallout released. I was really hoping that the Elder Scrolls series would pull through and keep the tradition but it does not look promising so far. Has anyone seen any screenshots or videos you can think of, or heard anything on the topic that might confirm this one way or the other?