I've pre-ordered the Collector's Editions of the Survival Guide and the Art Book.
I've pre-ordered the Collector's Editions of the Survival Guide and the Art Book.
I pre-ordered already in hopes of Amazon shipping it early. I don't really care much for spoilers - it rarely ruins the experience for me.
Im buying it on steam, like I have every other game this decade, so I don't think ill ever be seeing the survivors guide.
Ive got the Wiki anyways, and ill enjoy the game well enough on its own. Most of the times ive needed to use the wiki for ingame problems was when I needed to use console commands to sort out some bugs, and I don't think the strategy guide will tell me what the values of this quest or item or whatever is so I can run the usual commands to sort everything out through my reality-bending ~ key.
I can't actually remember the last time I bought a strategy guide...
Gaming Wikis are even better for this than the FAQs that spun around the internet when I was a kid. Although a -lot- of those FAQs had complete lies in them that made people so convinced of some hidden secret locked inside of the game.
L is real 2401.
Not I. Stumbling around aimlessly and just going with the wind... I'm just whimsical like that. It's always fun the first few play throughs, always finding new things, seeing the sights for the first time. It's better that way. If you know all about it from the start... the game loses something.
Just my 2 cents.
I always get a Survivial guide. There is a wealth of information in there. Love them.
I love when threads come up like this and everyone is all "guides are for svckers" and "just use the wiki" - where do you think the VAST amount of info in the early days of a game are sourced from for the Wiki pages? The GECK won't be out for 2-3 months after release at a minimum so no help there, no idea if the in game console will have some sort of "help" function like Skyrim added and most people will be playing the game rather than delving into every little secret just so it can be documented online. Sure, in a year and later on a wiki for these games will have a wealth of information, with much of it newly sourced from player experience and confirmed by PC players with the GECK, but until that happens most of the in-depth info comes from official guides.
Anyways, to the thread subject, I'll be picking up a copy of the guide for myself as I find value in the books themselves, not just for the information they contain. Many of the past guides have had useful insights even for veteran players and humorous asides and comments abound in most of them. Well worth a purchase in my mind.
I am getting the guide, because that is how I like to play a long game (like GTAs, Skyrim, Fallouts, or Final Fantasies). I try to limit my exposure to plot spoilers, but I generally plan on playing one play-through, so I want to know the consequences of my actions. If it was a shorter game, I wouldn't bother (like Tomb Raider or Bioshock), but with long games I want the ending I would like.
I'm hoping to get the guide and the art book at the same time (order them at the same time, obviously not receiving them at the same time) funnily enough the art book comes out the day after my birthday.
Never got an art book or a game guide before, but I got both hard-copies preordered on amazon. I'll not crack them open for a long while, but I think it'll be a cool thing to scan through after a few playthroughs.
You sure like to make sweeping generalizations about people, don't you? I suggest you read through this thread again. But this time read more carefully.
I don't know how you arrived at the absurd notion that "everyone" says "just use the Wiki" and "guides are for svckers." One person used the word "svckers" and most of the people who used the word "Wiki" have stated that they also buy game guides in addition to using the Wiki. Not one person in this thread has written the phrase, "Just use the Wiki."
The fact is, that nearly every person in this thread has said that they plan to buy the guide.
i always do a first playthrough just stumbling through the place then the second one i plan it .
I love reading Beth guides. It is like a look into the heart of the game. So that is a big yes for me.
I am determined to play blind moth style for the first play through, however.
did you notice
did you notice the pistol melee?? was it a cut scene or do you really get to do that?
and deaths are scene spcific like in dead space
Yeah, you get hit people with guns now. There's a button that's dedicated to it.