aznassassin158, You stop taking me seriously...... dude, really, my point is that gauss tech is stronger than your so called anti tank missile
But my point is that the Gauss Rifle isn't stronger. Great job completely missing it. And I never denied that Gauss tech was stronger than an anti-tank round; I said that anti-tank missile is stronger than the Gauss rifle, which it is. Otherwise I could just use a few Gauss Rounds when I fight the Pinger, rather than having to run around the place trying to find JAWs.
you contradict yourself by even saying Alcatraz takes it to the chest
How is it a contradiction when I said Alcatraz took it to the chest? I asked for proof that Alcatraz could survive a Gauss round to the head, and you have yet to give it to me! Hell, Spartacus can attest to that fact that Lockhart didn't hit Alcatraz in the face.
another thing, you do know emp's don't wipe out electronics, they distort magnetism, which is what essentially what powers our electronics
No it doesn't. It causes an enormous current surge that ultimately burns out whatever source was powering a circuit. Great job paying attention in High School physics. But then again, you thought a Gauss rifle round was stronger than an anti-tank rocket and that the M69 Gauss Cannon is as strong as the M2014, so it's quite evident that your knowledge of physics and kinetics is a bit flawed, if not completely back-asswards.
last time i checked, the N2 was semi organic, and not clearly shown to be powered by electricity
If it's not powered by electricity, why was Alcatraz suddenly weakened when Lockheart "powered him down" or when he was on the ground completely immobile when the Hargreave trapped him with EMP? Oh yeah, that's right, did I mention I played Crysis 2 and I know all this stuff? No? Oh well, continue thinking that I didn't; it just makes this argument all the funnier.
chief however has a fusion core backpack, which i have no idea how he manages to extract power from, but is shown to be susceptible to an emp.
His suit is hardened from EMP, which explains why his armor doesn't completely shut down when exposed to a power drain.
Alcatraz's suit shouldn't flinch if it is truly considered "alive."
Again, refer to the scenario when Lockheart shut the suit off by surging electricity through it, and Hargreave doing the similar by shocking him with a million billion gigawats.
And read it again, i didn't say he cant run and shield at the same time, i said he cant armor lock and sprint without swapping suit modules.
Chief doesn't even use armor abilities, so no need to beat that dead horse. I'm leaving Halo Reach mechanics out of this, since I have no idea if armor powers even work on the Chief since the Spartans in Reach use different armor than the Mark VI (ie: they lack the Chief's biofoam injector implants).
And for the last time, read it right, kicking a car does not deplete energy, try it, or maybe cant since you don't actually own Crysis 2
Okay, after playing again, yes, you can kick a car without depleting energy. Point for you; Epic fail on my part. Still, it doesn't explain how your energy depletes after you do a power punch, because I know for a fact that doing a power punch depleted energy.
And I'll just prepare for your inevitable tirade about how I never played Crysis 2, just because I forgot one single gameplay mechanic because I only used it once in the entire campaign.
and another, the gauss rifle isnt considered a sniper
Right, because it's classified as a "sniper rifle" in Crysis 2 just to screw with us, right?
its an annihilator that sends even nano soldiers flying across the map, oh wait, but you haven't played crysis wars, you don't know anything about that.
The Gauss Rifle in Warhead and the M2014 in Crysis 2 are different weapons, smart one. The Gauss Rifle in Crysis Warhead was a bolt-action rifle that fired at Mach 8, while the M2014 was semiautomatic anti-material rifle. Oh right, my knowledge of Crysis is severely limited, right? Just because I falsely remembered that a car kick depletes energy?
Your afraid that someone actually knows about both heroes, and your trying to back up the what you prefer and not the facts on paper.
Keep thinking that if it helps you sleep at night, skippy.]