Who would like to see a dragon armor redone and dragon weapo

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:30 pm

If it's required to have 100 blacksmith skill to make a heavy dragon armor I want it to be the best in the game (Yes I know that it's the best light armor but still if it has heavy option and it requires 100 it still should be the best armor)
Dragon is stronger than dremora which I think is wearing daedric armor, so dragon armor should be stronger, and also I want it's look to be changed, as the last armor in the game it should have a badass looks, and the only part of dragon armor I like is heavy helmet, I think the looks of the dragon armor should be totally redone because it looks worse than most armors in the game!
Also it should have some enchantments when you make it, like resistance to fire or something.

Dragon weapons would be cool too, maybe you would need to use dragon soul to create them and some good material for a weapon from the dragon's body.

Would you like to see such a mod? Any suggestions? I won't make this mod because I'm not a modder, but it would be nice if some modder would create such a mod
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:27 am

Stats re-doing so that its better then deadric (or switch positions but i'd rather they boost the stats).

And yeah having a dragon weapon would be pretty cool )
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:30 am

Dragonscale should stay the way it is, Dragonplate could probably do with being retextured, but is otherwise spot on; how else would you expect heavy armour made from a dragon to look?

Stats don't need changing, but there should be dragon weapons. If the weapon was done in the same way as the armour, by which I mean the bone makes up the structure but with reinforced metal edges, then they could easily conceivably make a blade using dragon bone. Blunt weapons like war hammers are self-explanatory.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:22 am

I cannot fathom how everyone seems to think dragonbone plate looks bad. I think it looks beautiful.

Well..besides the hanging bones on the back. Those I don't like.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:35 am

I kind of wish I could swap them around, Dragonscale looks awesome.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:45 pm

Improve, and re-do it. Should be the best, no matter what. The way it looks is poor. All other look very similar, having all that "horns" here and there, wich I find silly. I hardly doubt that anyone would be wearing them in real life if they existed, since they can cause more problems (injuries) than protection. I like the Morrowind/Oblivion style. Plain armor no "100" horns coming out from every possible place.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:29 pm

I think they should swap it with daedric, so daedric is the 100 smithing perk. Dragons are pathetically easy to kill, and you get the materials to make dragon armor within the first ten minutes of the game. Dremora enemies, Daedra hearts and ebony ore/ingots are far more rare.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:38 pm

Improve, and re-do it. Should be the best, no matter what. The way it looks is poor. All other look very similar, having all that "horns" here and there, wich I find silly. I hardly doubt that anyone would be wearing them in real life if they existed, since they can cause more problems (injuries) than protection. I like the Morrowind/Oblivion style. Plain armor no "100" horns coming out from every possible place.

You have missed a pretty important point. The dragon armour in Oblivion wasn't made from Dragons, this armour is. Of course it's going to take advantage of teeth and bone shards, both of which are useful considering you spend most of your time outnumbered by enemies. The elbows of the Dragonscale armour would be incredibly useful offensively in confined spaces. Besides, Dragonscale looks awesome.

EDIT: and while dremora are rare, they're incredibly easy to separate from their hearts, even on master difficulty. That shouldn't be the consideration for how powerful armour should be, considering that getting dragon ingredients early is also irrelevant as they're useless without 100 smithing skill.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:03 pm

Improve, and re-do it. Should be the best, no matter what. The way it looks is poor. All other look very similar, having all that "horns" here and there, wich I find silly. I hardly doubt that anyone would be wearing them in real life if they existed, since they can cause more problems (injuries) than protection. I like the Morrowind/Oblivion style. Plain armor no "100" horns coming out from every possible place.

You liked http://images.uesp.net/2/21/MW_Armor_GlassF.jpg/http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/9/90/DaedricArmor.jpg armors because they hadn't horns? Skyrim's armor doesn't have "100 horns coming out from every possible place" (Albeit from Daedric and Dragon-Armor)

And Dragon-Armor (A Armor actually made from fresh Dragon parts) is a Skyrim's exclusive, the only thing similar being http://images.uesp.net/9/99/MW_Armor_ImperialDragonscaleM.jpg and http://www.oblivioninfo.de/images/r/r_dragon.jpg.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:46 pm

Dragon is stronger than dremora

Are they? Someone set up a fight, record it and post on YT.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:54 pm

Dragon-soul infused weapons and armor is an awesome idea. Call it Living Dragonscale/Dragonbone/Dragonsword and make those the best in the game. That would make it more understandable for regular dragonarmor to be weaker than daedric. Although one could argue dragonbone is still the best, since it is lighter and (I think) hits the armor cap with HA perks.

I think the dragonbone looks better than the dragonscale.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:02 pm

I just noticed it's in the general discussion sub-forum and it's meant to be in mods sub-forum, my bad, I thought I were in the mods sub-forum
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:25 am

It's funny how every other armor looks like it had a lot of thought put into the way it looks.

Hell... The deadric armor looks sick! And the helmet is super cool... lol I sound like a little kit talking about the armor. Anyway... The dragon armor looks like it was rushed... And the helmets look horrible.

Dragon weapons shouldn't have been left out...

You know... When the world sees you are a dragon slayer... I want to look the part! I want some cool looking gear, and a awesome bow made of dragon bones or something!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:15 pm

:thumbsup: you got me! I Glass is ugly! What about this one http://i1-games.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/The-Elder-Scrolls-III-Morrowind-Adamantium-Armor_1.jpg ? I like that "style". Used is, with the helm.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:01 pm

Are they? Someone set up a fight, record it and post on YT.

I could kill a dremora in 4 hits and elder dragon kills me in 4 hits so they are MUCH stronger
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:28 pm

If it's required to have 100 blacksmith skill to make a heavy dragon armor I want it to be the best in the game (Yes I know that it's the best light armor but still if it has heavy option and it requires 100 it still should be the best armor)
Dragon is stronger than dremora which I think is wearing daedric armor, so dragon armor should be stronger

People have covered this to death a hundred times by now. Dragon plate is considerably lighter than daedric and offers only slightly less armor. With 100 smithing, which is already required to craft it in the first place, both sets surpass the armor cap at max rank heavy armor. Essentially, dragon plate is tied for best.

Also, from lore perspective, the daedric should be more powerful. Dragon armor is made from bits of dead dragon (The toughness of those bones and scales didn't do the dragon a whole lot of good when you hit him over the head with that sword of yours, did they?), compared to daedric which is made from rare ebony armor imbued with the soul of a powerful daedra using complex and dangerous rituals. Even "unenchanted" daedric armor still technically possesses very potent enchantments.

As one last note: from a balance perspective, it takes 5 perks to reach dragon smithing if you follow the light armor path, and 5 perks to reach daedric smithing if you follow the heavy armor path. If dragon was considerably better than daedric, that would mean that heavy armor smiths would have to invest 6 points to get their best armor as opposed to 5.

I would love to see dragon weapons, though. Especially a bow and dagger, since then light armor users wouldn't feel like they have to go up heavy to get daedric weapons.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:41 am

Stats re-doing so that its better then deadric (or switch positions but i'd rather they boost the stats).

And yeah having a dragon weapon would be pretty cool )

I would definately go for dragon weapons if they could never be enchanted.

Why do you want even stronger weapons?

The weapons in the game are good and balanced at its base, its the freaking legendary status from smithing with +160% smithing potion and a +160% enchant that makes it redicilous.
You have a +300% legendary item all of a sudden. Creating daedric 1h weapons with roughly 250-300 damage, if you have around 70 in skill.
Is that even remotely fun?

Again, if the games weapons or should I say, secondary skills was more balanced I was all for it.

I think smiting is good as it is, you can improve weapons.
But enchanting should ONLY apply magical effects, damage effects, and be able to enchant magica return or cost reduction for spells.It should never be allowed to increase X% in smithing or alchemy.

Otherwise, I definately think there should be dragon weapons.
If you can make heavy or light armor from dragon bone, you definately can make a bow from it, and most likely swords.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:10 pm

It's funny how every other armor looks like it had a lot of thought put into the way it looks.

Hell... The deadric armor looks sick! And the helmet is super cool... lol I sound like a little kit talking about the armor. Anyway... The dragon armor looks like it was rushed... And the helmets look horrible.

Dragon weapons shouldn't have been left out...

You know... When the world sees you are a dragon slayer... I want to look the part! I want some cool looking gear, and a awesome bow made of dragon bones or something!

I don't get how people are saying both helmets look horrible, pretty much everything about Dragonscale looks awesome. I'm glad it was the result. The Daedric and Ebony armours look ridiculous outside of an all out war situation.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:42 am

the only things i would change is the dragon light helmet and the dragon heavy armour. the light helmet does not feel as badass as the rest of light armour and the dragon heavy armour cuirass is far too bland. needs more dinosaurs
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:43 pm

I don't get how people are saying both helmets look horrible, pretty much everything about Dragonscale looks awesome. I'm glad it was the result. The Daedric and Ebony armours look ridiculous outside of an all out war situation.

Well for one it's an opinion...

And second, as far as the dragon plate helm goes... It's contrast compared to the rest of the armor set is way off. The dragon plate helm is actually ok, but could have been better. But simply put, the dragon armies look to have less attention done to them compared to the other armors.

My opinion is as far as the dragon bone armor goes is the gauntlets and boots are good, but the armor and defiantly the helmet need to be reworked....

As far as the dragon skin goes the whole set could use a little tinkering. But it's still is way better then the dragon plate.

I think all the stats for the armors are fine... No need to make them stronger/weaker....

As far as dragon weapons go... Honestly the could go the same route with weapons as the armor and make them a little weaker then deadric, but make them lighter... A few weapon damage is not going to break my heart. But lighter weapons would be cool.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:56 am

If you infused a dragon soul into the dragon armor, wouldn't the dragon come back to life?

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james tait
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:32 pm

I voted for Dragon Weapons, which should be nearly as good as Daedric, but much lighter. I don't really mind Daedric weapons being the best, but an upgrade from Glass would be much appreciated.

As for armor, I don't have a HA char that high yet, but I would think that Dragonplate should be better than Daedric, or else it should have inherent special trait, to keep it on par with Daedric.

I like the looks of both Dragon Scale and Plate as they are.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:34 am

I expect that will be one of the main focuses of the CS once it comes out. You will see a variety of texture mods ( since the PC version lacks them) and different styles of armor and such. I see mods coming out in this rough order

1st one- nvde mods :)
2nd one- Texture mods
3rd one character face and body mods
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:19 am

I'd like to see the following done.

Split dragon into 2 perks and seperate the trees so they don't look connected.

Dragonscale + dragon weapons(equal to daedric weapons) for the left hand tree (light armor)
Dragonplate on it's own above daedric(slight improvement in armor over daedric but no weapons in this one) on the right hand side(heavy armor).

Changes to design and textures can be done through mods imo.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:25 am

I don't like the dragonscale armor, but that's mostly because I prefer understated armor and the top level stuff just... isn't.
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