» Fri May 04, 2012 10:35 pm
Alright, I've hit a wall with the NCR Veteran Ranger. Just can't manage to wipeout Hidden Valley. After they asked him to kill a fellow ranger, then tried to murder them both after he warned the Ranger, he stormed the bunker. But I am having issues here. So far I had to leave 3 times, once to retrieve Boone from the Lucky 38 after determining I couldn't do it on my own, then again to get different weapons for Boone to experiment with, then again after it became apparent that he would probably die no matter what he was packing. So what do I do? I won't break the role play, so I wont take drugs, or wear anything besides the NCR Range Combat Armor or the Desert Ranger Comabt Armor. Right now I'm packing an Anti-Materiel Rifle, Survivalist's Rifle, and A Light Shining in Darkness. Just the standard ammo for all of them. The knights, scribes and initiates are all really easy to kill. Paladins are decent, they just take 3-7 shots with the Survivalist's Rifle, and I have to watch out for the ones with Gauss Rifles. The Turrets are killer though. never, ever, in FO3 or NV have I ever had an issue with turrets. So this is pretty crazy. They kill me in about 3-5 hits (so basically 5 seconds). And they are tanks in terms of the damage they can take. They are really what's slowing me down, since to move down any of the hallways I have to go past them, and if any fire is coming at me from BoS members, I have to retreat under the floor. And it takes 10 stimpacks, 5 minutes, and 30 rounds to kill Each one, which just isnt working for me. Right now I'm just struggling in the main foyer area. Any ideas?