Well Raul died, while fighting the raiders at the Nipton road pit stop the car next to him blew up crippling most of his limbs, a couple of shots later he died, however I think EDE survived the encounter.
well RIP Raul.
Bloody exploding cars, i would hate to be in a crash in one of those things
Poor Raul.

I'd have to wonder about that too, what happened during car wrecks in the pre-war Fallout universe? Wouldn't whole city blocks be destroyed?
Getting ready to hit OWB, just keep getting the shivers that this is were it will end. How ironic.
Though the sneaky sniper game play is going pretty good. More than likely that is how I have made it this far.
Aw shucks Tycho, do you plan on going back to liberate Primm in the future though? Nice to see you getting further at least. Meeting your.. clone.. will be interesting.
I decided it would be best to make an epic return to Primm later in the game (once I acquire some decent Legion armor) rather than attack the NCR wearing regular leather/combat armor. Caesar would want them to know that the Legion kicked their asses and not just some random mercenary in combat armor.
Combat Armour Mk.2 is really handy.
A tragedy has befallen all mankind.
Robert House is dead. It happened when taking Veronica to join the Followers of the Apocalypse. We were told by a doctor at the Followers Outpost to return the next day for a Dr. Schiller. The next day we found nothing but bodies and a squad of Brotherhood Paladins. There was no talking his way out of it this time, a battle ensued and despite the application of many healing agents(spamming Super Stimpaks and Sunset Sarsaparilla) Robert House, genius, inventor, visionary, died at the hands of a few maniacal zealots.
Edit: I failed you Martyr.
Why must the good die

So the Brotherhood really took the whole, "no one else can use technology except us" philosophy the the extreme, killing someone who had a better understanding of technology and technological history than any of them could ever hope to have. Kind of an ironic end for Mr. House if you think about it.