Hmm haven't been on here in awhile, but I'll give this a try. I'd like to take Joshua Graham if no one else called him. And i'll start my playthrough tomorrow.
I added you to the OP. Good Luck

@Dinky-Dinosaur - Those stats sound good for Lucius, I'll add them to the OP. Just make sure you add some points to Agility through intense training or implants, Agility = higher unarmed attack speed. Also, what skills did you tag?
So, Tycho made it to the Strip. Killed Benny, and brought some better weapons. I almost died from Benny, never use a 9mm pistol with no companions against him. Or do.
EDIT: Tycho has died, damn Deathclaws near the BOS safehouse.
That svcks Undead. It's always those damned deathclaws in the BoS safehouse/Gypsum Train Yard area. I lost one of my DiD characters in that same spot a few months ago.

Finally made it out of Big Mt. alive, got to love those bullet sponge enemies.
So Christine > Elijah then? What level are you at?
So I'm guessing the concensus is that The Courier is one badass mofo.
Yeah, pretty much. The consensus is also that most of these so called "badass" characters aren't so badass after all. Caesar's doing pretty well though considering his mediocre stats.
Here's an update on Caesar:
Caesar decided that the NCR's presence in Freeside needed to cease, so with the help of a local gang.
After acquiring the 2000 caps necessary to enter the Strip, Caesar entered the city of New Vegas for the first time. He was immediately approached by the machine that had followed him all the way from Goodsprings and told to go see Mr. House in the Lucky 38 Casino. Caesar thought that meeting the mysterious "House" character would prove useful for learning his weaknesses, so he agreed to meet him before confronting Benny. Caesar learned that House's biggest weakness was the "Platinum Chip" that Benny had stolen, and so Caesar agreed to confront Benny and then bring the chip to House...but his real plans were far different.
Caesar walked into the Tops and convinced a man named Swank to let him keep all of his weapons while inside the casino- most importantly his power fist. Caesar confronted Benny, who was surrounded by body guards, and realized just how well the odds were stacked in Benny's favor. If Caesar killed Benny right here and took the Platinum Chip, House surely wouldn't let him leave the Strip until he handed the chip over - which, as far as Caesar knew, could make House infinitely more powerful and more of a threat to the Legion. So Caesar had to go along with the obvious trap that Benny was setting for him, and he agreed to go up to the Presidential Suite and wait for Benny to meet him there, although Caesar knew it would most likely be a hit squad meeting him there rather than Benny. Sure enough it was a hit squad, fortunately it was a weak one that Caesar wiped the floor with in 2 minutes flat.
Caesar investigated Benny's room and learned from a strange Securitron that Benny had fled the Strip with the Platinum Chip and headed to the Fort - and suddenly the odds shifted to Caesar's favor. Caesar hurried out of the Tops where he, who informed him that he was needed back at the Fort. Caesar left the Strip and made a stop at the King's headquarters in Freeside to get a favor that was owed to him, and to his surprise he found his old cyberdog companion that had been lost during a battle! The King, who led the local gang, called him Rex, and offered to give him to Caesar if he would take him to a scientist in Jacobstown for repairs. Caesar gladly took his old companion back, and then they headed off towards Cottonwood Cove.
Here are some screen shots:
After reaching the Fort, Caesar walked into his tent to find that Benny had already been captured and tied up. He took the Platinum Chip and forced Benny to tell him what it was used for, and once he knew about the bunker under the Fort he headed there to destroy whatever House was hiding. Despite House's outrage and threats, Caesar destroyed the Securitron army under the Fort, then returned to his tent and ordered that Benny be crucified as an example to others of Ironically though, he was actually glad that Benny shot him in the head back at Goodsprings, since it strengthened his Legion's faith that he was actually the son of Mars. Caesar (technically Caesar's clone) then left the Fort once again and set off to make contact with a tribe know as "The Boomers."
Current Stats:
Spoiler Level: 11
SPECIAL: unchanged
Top Three Skills: Unarmed - 75, Melee Weapons - 75, Guns - 50
Implants: none
Most Powerful Weapons: Power Fist, Assault Carbine, Hunting Rifle
Best Armor: Combat Armor, reinforced Mk II
Notable Perks: Stonewall, Toughness (both ranks), Swift Learner, Educated
Traits: Heavy Handed