Woah, those NCR death squads run your supplies dry quickly. Almost died after Nipton, got lucky & had my mine field blow them to high hell.
How did Primm's liberation go Tycho?
I'm debating as whether I should kill the NCR in Primm or not, especially since NCR hit squads will spawn near Wolfhorn Ranch if I kill them now. I killed two regular soldiers stealthily so that my NCR rep wouldn't plunge, but I think I'm going to hold off on killing the named troopers at this point. Caesar isn't foolhardy, and I don't think he would run into a tent containing two NCR soldiers while armed only with a varmint rifle and a tire iron. Besides, it fits better with my back story if I don't kill them.
Here's the back story of how Caesar ended up shot in the head outside of Goodsprings:
Caesar cloned himself. How? He's the son of Mars. He can do whatever the hell he wants. Anyways...he sent his clone into the Mojave with the intent of having him bring back information about the various small settlements and towns in the Mojave and which ones would assimilate well into the Legion. Why didn't he just send a frumentarius to do it? Because they're busy scouting out the NCR, and their opinion on which settlements would assimilate well into the Legion could be different than Caesar's, and his opinion is what matters.
In order to carry out his mission without looking suspicious, Caesar's clone joined up with a Courier group and was assigned to deliver a package. Outside of Goodsprings, he was ambushed, tied up, and shot in the head by some weirdo in a checkered business suit. Now he's out for revenge - while still trying to scout out the various settlements of the Mojave.
Well, Father Elijah is out of the race. NCR death squad came to do their business. Killed each of them with explosives, saddly did not take notice of the car I had set off. Oh well, at least I went out with a bang.
That svcks, I hate hit squads early on in the game, both NCR and Legion. What level were you when you died? And if more people don't start joining soon, you can take another character if you want.
I'm picking No-bark Wish me luck guys.
Careful, they got spies all over!

Oh, and keep an eye out for chupacabras.
Caesar decided to get involved with Goodspring's powder ganger problem in order to see how capable the townspeople were when it came to fighting. They will be part of the Legion someday, and some of them might make good Legionaries. Caesar convinced everyone to hide and ambush the fighters, promising a profligate named Ringo that he would help him during the fight. Instead, Caesar retreated to gas station and watched the fight play out, and to his surprise not a single resident of Goodsprings was killed by the time the fight was over. Caesar determined that many of the younger settlers would make good legionaries someday, and he made note to not forget about the small ghost town when it came time for his Legion to occupy the area.
After leaving Goodsprings, Caesar killed a few Powder Gangers along the road, and then came upon Primm. A profligate soldier was standing outside, and he had the nerve to tell Caesar that the town was off limits. Not knowing how many other soldiers were nearby, he decided to retreat to rifle range and hide so that he could kill the profligate without being noticed.
Here are some screen shots:
How's this for a clone: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tycho808/screenshot/506890852497535538/? - http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Caesar2.png