R.I.P Fink

That svcks Martyr, killed by...yourself.

I'm kind of worried about facing Benny now, if Viper gang leaders nearly killed Caesar, Benny is his goons probably will. Caesar is only level six at the moment, although I do have combat armor reinforced mk II. I figured Caesar would wear it for two reasons:
1.) Legion armor is relatively scarce
2.) It offers a good disguise - someone in Legion armor will be shot on sight, and Caesar knows better than to fight his way from Goodsprings to Vegas.
So here's what has happened so far:
Caesar decided that Primm was insignificant to the greater goals of the Legion - and his own goals of getting revenge on the profligate who shot him back in Goodsprings. After passing by Primm, Caesar fought through small bands of raiders until he reached the bottom of a large hill, on top was a large NCR base- their entrance into the Mojave. Caesar kept moving toward Nipton, and it wasn't long before he noticed a heavy, black smoke rising from the small settlement. As he neared the town, his lips curled into a smile; there, standing valiantly at the front of the burning town, was a Legion flag, the bull dancing against the red cloth, welcoming its master into his kingdom.
Caesar had pride in his steps as he walked into Nipton, passing crucified profligates and heading for the town hall, were a small group of Legionaries were gathered. As he neared them, Vulpes Inculta approached him, and Caesar was relieved to see his most talented fumentarius. After talking with Vulpes for a little while, http://steamcommunity.com/id/tycho808/screenshot/506890852519919628/?tab=public to the road just south of Novac. Then he sent them away and http://steamcommunity.com/id/tycho808/screenshot/506890852519915597/?tab=public, looking for information about the man in the checkered suit.
Caesar moved toward Nelson to meet up with the Legion occupiers there, but was stopped by http://steamcommunity.com/id/tycho808/screenshot/506890852519916538?tab=public After ignoring the fool's warnings, http://steamcommunity.com/id/tycho808/screenshot/506890852519918503/?tab=public and got a status report on the situation in Nelson. Satisfied with the Legion's progress in that area, Caesar went back to Novac and talked with a former NCR marksmen named Boone. He saw weakness in the profligate, sensing his desperation to bring justice to the person who sold his wife to the Legion. Caesar found the best armed man in town, a man named Manny Vargas who was armed with a hunting rifle, and had Boone shoot him. Then Caesar took the hunting rifle off of Manny's corpse and fled the scene, heading for the 188 trading post.
He met a profligate woman at the 188 who offered to travel with him. Caesar agreed, planning on using her as a meat shield in future fights. Sure enough, outside of the Gun Runner's compound, Caesar picked a fight with the Gun Runner guards. Veronica charged at them, taking the brunt of their hunting rifle fire, while Caesar came up from the back and killed them with his power fist. Veronica was killed during the fight, but he didn't care, she was, after all, nothing more than a profligate woman foolish enough to travel with him. Caesar proceeded to take guard's combat armor, then he attacked everyone on the inside of the factory, killing them all and looting an assault carbine and some 5mm rounds from their corpses. He traded the combat armor for a more advanced, reinforced version at the Gun Runner's kiosk, and then http://steamcommunity.com/id/tycho808/screenshot/486625012259417268/?tab=public. While he would have preferred to wear Legion armor, Caesar knew he would be shot on sight in this area, and the reinforced combat armor would provide better protection when he faced Benny at the Tops Casino.
Decided to get in on this, going to do a Raul play through
SPECIAL: 6 ST, 6 PE, 4 EN, 2 CH, 7 IN, 8 AG, 7 LK (Raul has 5 luck but I had 2 extra points to use)
Tagged: Guns, Repair, Science
I added you to the OP.
@Undead - I like your version of Tycho, the beard looks pretty cool.