I will not marry a Dunmer except Brelyna.
She is a companion, CoW apprentice, bard and she has joined the legion.
She will probably marry a Female NPC because.... I dont know
what nationality is her mother?
Is she looking for someone that shares her interests? The only marriable companion (female) is Aela.
I guess who would you picture being able to bring home to father dearest?
She would marry a True Nord. A True Nord who also happens to be royalty. A True Nord who happens to be imprisoned in Valthume by a wicked spirit and awaits his new Draugr Death Overlord Thrall Princess in shining armor to rescue him!
Salessi Darkwater version 1.0 (I'm on 4.0 now heh) married him. Got rather annoying going home to spend some snuggy time with hubby and his adopted advlt son won't leave the bedroom. "No you can't join!"
Get some mods and Marry the general himself. Tullius could use some action.
You're assuming there's a Nord in Skyrim who'd marry the daughter of Ulfric.
That's a Thanksgiving meal just not worth it. I can see it now.
Ulfric: "So, how are you treating my daughter?"
Husband: "Well, she's a fine lass with a fine a... er, well, Jarl."
Ulfric: "That's good to hear. I wouldn't..."
Daughter: "But daddy! He won't do the dishes!"
Ulfric: "Guards!"
Daughter: "Dad, please. This is like the 15th husband of mine you've had killed. I'll be a spinster by the time I'm 20!"
But good luck with the hunt, girl.
I see it more like this. (can relate to either male or female you marry because... hairbraiding...)
"So... I've finally going to meet your father?"
"Yeah, I'm sure you and he will get along nicely."
"I see we're going to the Palace, does he work there?"
"Sort of yes..."
"Oh this is exciting, can't wait to meet him.
*once inside*
"Father? I'd like to introduce you to my wife (or husband)"
Oh... why hello again... so your my daughter's new fiancé."
"Wait... you two already met?"
"You could say that daughter... many times. in one night in fact..."
"By Oblivion NOT AGAIN!!!"
What about Angrernor Once-Honored He was in the stormcloack ranks before he was kicked out
more importantly, what would she wear? and what side of the bed would she sleep on?
I know something that would be a big Middle finger to Ulfric
I considered making a daughter of Ulfric aswell, except that she is a Stormcloak and not in the college of Winterhold. A typical warrior with steel.
Anyway, Farkas or Vilkas might do. Not sure about females though.