I think you're missing Styles point here, the point (I believe) he is trying to make is that the NCR politicians want to put a good spin on the situation
I see his point, I just think his point is all wrong. If the NCR had a capable air force it have been the first thing they send at the legion. When you have an airforce you send that in ahead of the ground force.
They have Veribirds. You can say they only have one but that is stupid. Legion don't have the means to shoot down anything.
We only see one Vertibird and no one in game ever mentions using them to fight. Provide solid in game evidence they have more then a handful of Vertibirds. You can't because it doesn't exist. You assume they got the plans from the Shi, but we can't be sure they ever had them to begin with it wasn't required to complete FO2. I doubt the Shi would have turned over the blueprints anyway they weren't allied with the NCR. Considering there is no Shi empire its likely they were destoryed in FO2 by the Chosen One. This leaves Navarro as the only source of NCR aircraft, which would have had only a handful of Vertibirds many of which the Enclave would have used in there defence and escape.
Which doesn't leave the NCR with very many aircraft, especially after a war with the brotherhood.(where they certainly would have used them). And the legion does have the means to shoot them down, they have anti-material rifles which are perfectly capable of shooting down a vertibird. They could also infiltrate the maintenance crews and install bombs on the aircraft. The things aren't all that tough.
Put it this way. NCR was this to be a low scale war. They don't want to send in thousands of troops, vertibirds and Howitzers. They want to just contain the Legion.
What low scale wars issue a draft and lasts for ten years? Your entire argument for why they'd keep them in reserve is flawed, after ten years and a military draft people would be screaming bloody murder to send them in if it was possible. Sense we never see the Vertibird strikes we can only assume the NCR isn't capable of it. if they only had four or five they'd be to valuable for transporting government officials, to valuable for supply runs ot the front where they become rountine targets
If the legion couldn't counter vertibirds then using them would be a certainty. If you have a weapon the enemy can't counter you use it first and hope to beat them before sending in ground forces. The Dam is to valuable to hold back that much of a tacticall advantage if it exists .
If NCR gets pushed to far to the point they have no other option. They will be a real force to deal with, a cornered Bear is you will.
Execpt that never happens, if they could send in Vertibirds to attack you, Oliver would make that threat when you confront him working for another faction but he doesn't.
There isn't a mention about the NCR returning to the Mojave in the ending slides if they failed to keep the dam.
NCR does not want a costly war. They don't want to fight Mr.House or the people of the Mojave.
Ten years and a military draft is very costly, way more expensive then sending in your air force. You keep saying the hold these things in reserve because its costly but that makes absolutely no sense after a decade. And if they had them in reserve someone somewhere in the mojave would be &*&)*@$ that the NCR doesn't send them in.