» Sat Jun 26, 2010 7:15 am
With out a doubt as a fanatical Legion hater i still have to say that if we are only talking about the dam sure thing Caesar will win, but the victory will be a phyrric one. Melee troops which is the legion will perform what amounts to a first World War bayonet charge, thier fanatisicm will carry them "over the top" across "no man's land" and into the opposing trenches. They will suffer horrific casualties but will gain ground by over whelming numbers and a fearless charge but attrition will be the equalizer. Caesar will fight the battle of the dam like Stalin did in Stalingrad, choosing to send his troops across into whithering fire with the idea that for every bullet the NCR fires regardless of whether it hits one of his soldiers or not is one less bullet the NCR has, eventually they will run out and your melee trained soldiers will then have the advantage. Using a reverse seige tactic the Legion will attempt to drive the NCR off the dam and will eventually as bullets run out. The legion will displace the defenders but only after suffering horrific casualties as a man even poorly trained with a gun has an advantage over an exposed charging enemy due to pure mechanics, with a gun i can attack you more times as you approach than you can attack me. What this means is that eventually the legion will displace the defenders but only at the cost of signifigant casualties.
One must understand that in order to develop the loyalty (it is not realy loyalty more like fear) that the legion relies upon requires a signifigant time investment in that soldier. They are literally trained from birth to fear nothing but thier commanders, but that while a strength, is also a weakness as those same troops can not be replaced faster than the NCR can replace thier losses. A lifetime of indoctrination and training no matter how good that training is, will fail as attrition will doom the legion. The NCR can make a replacement in a shorter time because all that is really required is to train the soldier to use the weapon. I trained my 9 year old neice to field strip and clean my AKs in a few hours on a Saturday, took her out to the range that afternoon, handed her my Bursa .380 and had her hitting center mass in a few hours. To teach a legion soldier no fear except of Caesar, that is thier primary motivator, takes a lifetime to instill, with out that fear of Caesar a legion soldier will bayonet charge a heavily defended position why again?
So while i am a suporter of anyone but the legion preffering to shoot the legion scum on site (as a public service) i have to recognize that in the short term Hoover will be a victory for the legion and also the harbringer of thier destruction. The casualties the legion will suffer can not be replaced in a shorter time frame than the NCR so they will pillage and burn thier way across the Mohave and like the NCR witout the support of the locals, who from everything i have heard them say, will not support the legion, will burn out just like the NCR. So win or loose at the dam the legion is over anyway it is just winning at the dam will cost alot more people thier lives, but in the end the outcome will be the same a phyrric victory for the legion followed by a slow and agonizing death for the legion and anyone they touch.
The legion is an orginization built on fear and hate and like the third reich will collapse eventually because you can not build anything on fear or hate, they are by thier nature destroyers, love and courage are the foundation of the future and neither of those ideas has a place in the legion. Yes all legionaires are cowards because Caesar can only do what he does if people follow, and people follow Caesar because they are afraid of him and by thier acceptance guilty of the evil the legion brings. The legion like the third reich armies is not one built upon individual innitiative, legionaires only do what they are told, there is no room for free thought in the legion, where as a NCR trooper will think for themselves. It is that weakness of legion command structure, that blind obedience that lead to thier demise in the first battle, just following thier orders unquestionably to thier deaths. I can not wish anything more on a legion soldier than that well maybe add painful to death, but just plain dead works too.