NCR knows full well that Legion will attack the Dam with the bulk of their forces. NCR keeps the bulk of their forces at the dam to stop them. NCR does not do much to stop the Legion trying to attack their flanks because they know it is nothing but a diversionary tactic meant to draw troops away fromt he Dam. NCR does not fall for this.
A.....diversionary tactic? How on earth is attacking Camp Golf, Forlorn Hope etc a diversionary tactic? If we were at war and the goal of the war was to overtake New York City, would you say "ignore them. It's just a diversionary tactic" if I were to capture every major city and state surrounding New York City?
That same kind of narrow-minded thinking is what made Graham lose the dam. He was too focused on the moment and not on the possibilities, said "it's ok, I have the dam! :celebration: " and advanced on Boulder City. Before you know it, he failed to get Boulder City and lost the dam. Point being, even if the NCR DID hold the dam, but lost Forlorn Hope, Camp Golf and found themselves completely surrounded at the dam with the nearest unharmed NCR station being the Mojave Outpost, how long do you think they'd hold onto it?
We know Caesar is sick and theroefore time is on NCR's Side. People in New Vegas talk about how Legion will fall apart without Caesar. We know NCR's tactic is on of containment. Keep Caesar on his side of the Colorado. General Oliver was proven right, that the Legion will send bulk of their troops to take the Dam. We know that all it takes is for someone to turn on the turbines at the Dam and it is gam over for the Legion. We know no one wants to attack until the unknowns are taken care of, at some poine Legion will say to hell with it and attack anyways but by then it could be to late and the Bear finally grow some balls.
Where are you getting this? Whether Caesar dies or not, the plan continues. If you play for the NCR, General Oliver has you called into his office to talk about taking action. Before he can even finish telling you his plan of attack, the Legion attacks the dam. This happens whether or not Caesar lives and Caesar's death does absolutely nothing to hinder the attack. Countless people, including Marcus, Mr. House, Boone etc will tell you that they doubt Caesar's death will effect the battle, arguing that they may want to capture New Vegas in tribute to their fallen leader.
And "keep Caesar on his side of the Colorado?" Again, here's a list of what will happen according to the NCR's very own radio broadcast during the battle:
NCR Embassy in New Vegas being bombed.
Camp McCarran being attacked by Fiends.
Camp Forlorn Hope being attacked by
Caesar's Legion Camp Golf is under attack. If you have completed Flags of Our Foul-Ups, they will mention the Misfits' repelling the attack.
(without Courier intervention, the Misfits would NOT repel the attack) The Monorail being bombed by
Caesar's legion spies, if you complete I Put a Spell on You in the Legion's favor, or did not complete it at all.
(without Courier intervention, this happens) Rioting in Freeside if you did not side with the NCR and didnt stop the violence between the Kings and the NCR
(without Courier intervention, the King never learns of the NCR's peaceful intentions, and thus, this happens) The Omertas staging a coup on the Strip, with the other families and the Securitrons stopping them.
They're hardly doing that, and pretty much all of their ties in the Mojave have been cut off. The only people that are there to protect the dam are those who were already there. Divide and conquer 101. Caesar has an incredibly well coordinated plan and he's cut off each camp into an individual unit. Caesar's attacking forces intended on doing this, and thus they're probably better prepared. Camp Mccarren etc though? These attacks are a surprise for them. They'll probably fall.
And turning on the turbines? Why doesn't Mike Lawson do this himself? Because he's not a fighter, he's fleeing. Why don't the NCR soldiers do this? Because they're soldiers, not engineers; they can't. It's very questionable if this would happen. Even Mr. House's ending and the fact that that idiot Fantastic is in charge of HELIOS One seems to imply the NCR isn't exactly swimming in engineers, and we know Mike Lawson, the head engineer at the dam, just runs away.