who would win if the courier died?

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:11 am

who do you think would the dam if Benny had killed the courier and why?
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:28 am

who do you think would win if Benny had killed the courier and why?

Mr House.. Because he allready knew benny had the chip and could of just send somebody in there to take care of benny.............................................. but yeah mr house
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:48 pm

We are having this disscusion titled "Which faction do you think has the strongest army"
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:05 pm

We are having this disscusion titled "Who has the strongest army"

Strongest army doesn't make the winner. Look what happened to Legion at 1st battle of Hoover Dam.

I agree with the above that House would have good odds at winning. The Legion is also a strong candidate, since they have much more refined tactics this time and you don't need to work for them nearly as much as for the NCR to help them win. However, Caesar's eventual death by tumor would cause much headache in the future. I doubt NCR could win the battle. Caesar would have the President assassinated without any worries, and thus hampering the already bad NCR morale.

I doubt Benny would succeed in his plans. He is just way too stupid to win.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:24 pm

We are having this disscusion titled "Which faction do you think has the strongest army"

But this takes the player totally out of the equasion, so there is no confusion.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:49 pm

Don't forget without the courier the platinum chip is worthless unless Mr. House finds someone else to take it to The Fort ( and not get caught ).
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:23 pm

I think it'd be Caesar's Legion, they'd win the battle. I don't believe they'll hold it, what with Caesars death and NCR counterattacks, but they will win the battle.
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:26 pm

House - No chance
Benny- No chance
NCR has vet rangers, but is written so it looks like a 1st grade class commands them.

CL Does not need your help. CL probably wins because NCR are written to be really dumb.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:19 pm

House - No chance
Benny- No chance
NCR has vet rangers, but is written so it looks like a 1st grade class commands them.

CL Does not need your help. CL probably wins because NCR are written to be really dumb.

Rook, I know this is your new scapegoat, but can you please not fall back on that so often and on every subject, the NCR still has a ton more content than CL, so don't go acting like CL didn't get shafted by the devs and the NCR is so downtrodden.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:48 am

No corouer means
no bommer help for any of them
no upgraded secrotrons
no platnum chip at all
no prtecting presdent kimbel
no alltilry for ceaser
no ceaser as he need a working atuo doc to live
no getting rid of the legonarey in the valus
no getting the great khans to side away from ceaser
Add all this and much more and ceaser wins every time more troops better training better tacties and the elemment of surprise
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:25 pm

no BoS help or destroction
no family getting ivoled
no any thing relly if you start to think about it
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Lucie H
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:30 pm

Rook, I know this is your new scapegoat, but can you please not fall back on that so often and on every subject, the NCR still has a ton more content than CL, so don't go acting like CL didn't get shafted by the devs and the NCR is so downtrodden.

Dude the NCR have been waiting for a cl attack for four years, and like the post above mine says they are actually suprised when cl attacks???!!??? They are not ready for an attack they know has been coming for FOUR YEARS.

CL has [censored] weapons, but at least they are not written as tards when it come to war. It would be a miracle if NCR won. The vet rangers would have to totally disobey orders and fight on their own, and Moore would have to kill Oliver herself during the battle to try to salvage it.

Moore and the vet rangers going against orders is the NCRs only hope. Moore is the only one there that is there to win, but she is even suprised duuuuuhhhh!!!!!!!
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:06 am

For those of you who dont know I cant spell very well
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:48 am

Rook, how about this.

They know the attack is coming, they don't know when. They can't attack, they've tried before, and lost. The Legion doesn't have [censored] weapons, they just aren't wasting their good men and materiel on small operations in the wasteland, they'll let the big dogs with the big sticks get ready for the big fight. Oliver has the right idea, to an extent, to wait for the Legion to attack the Dam, which he knows they will do, there really wasn't much else to do. If Moore and the Vets all attacked the Legion, they'd all die, and then the Legion would take the Dam with less of a fight.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:38 am

Rook, how about this.

They know the attack is coming, they don't know when. They can't attack, they've tried before, and lost. The Legion doesn't have [censored] weapons, they just aren't wasting their good men and materiel on small operations in the wasteland, they'll let the big dogs with the big sticks get ready for the big fight. Oliver has the right idea, to an extent, to wait for the Legion to attack the Dam, which he knows they will do, there really wasn't much else to do. If Moore and the Vets all attacked the Legion, they'd all die, and then the Legion would take the Dam with less of a fight.

Oliver has all the best men around him on a cl playthrough, and leaves only troopers and 1 NCR ranger top side. Troopers don t even have enough skill or strength to use sniper rifles. lol

What are they thinking?
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:46 pm

Crabzilla spawns on hoover damn kills all factions and begins a new faction called LAND OF CRAB :P=but in consideration all variables caesar has best bet
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:47 am

Oliver has all the best men around him on a cl playthrough, and leaves only troopers and 1 NCR ranger top side. Troopers don t even have enough skill or strength to use sniper rifles. lol

What are they thinking?

That's gameplay wise. Lore wise I'm pretty sure there are more than 10 NCR defenders and 20 Legion attackers.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:40 pm

Dude the NCR have been waiting for a cl attack for four years, and like the post above mine says they are actually suprised when cl attacks???!!??? They are not ready for an attack they know has been coming for FOUR YEARS.

CL has [censored] weapons, but at least they are not written as tards when it come to war. It would be a miracle if NCR won. The vet rangers would have to totally disobey orders and fight on their own, and Moore would have to kill Oliver herself during the battle to try to salvage it.

Moore and the vet rangers going against orders is the NCRs only hope. Moore is the only one there that is there to win, but she is even suprised duuuuuhhhh!!!!!!!

How does expecting an invasion make NCR immune to surprise attacks?
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Helen Quill
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:48 pm

Whoever has the Pulse Gun (and makes copies of it) can handle the Securitrons. Many Pulse Mines and/or Grenades would do it too. I can't see robots winning against people when there is other technology to handle that technology so Mr. House wouldn't win.

I've run those NPC wars with that NPCspawning mod and the Legion doesn't win against the NCR so I can't say the Legion.

Without the Courier, the NCR clearly has major problems they're not solving but they're the only ones, as far as I can see, who have enough resources and people to throw at the situation. So even without the Courier, I'd have to say the NCR would prevail. IMHO. :)
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aisha jamil
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:50 pm

That's gameplay wise. Lore wise I'm pretty sure there are more than 10 NCR defenders and 20 Legion attackers.

it doesn t matter if there is 10 or 10,000 they had the wrong people with the wrong weapons in the wrong places.

NCR Trooper 5str 46 gun skill
neither of these meet the weapon requirements for a sniper rifle.

All through the game they are dumbed down. There should be no question that NCR would beat some [censored] slave tribals, but there is a question, because they were written to be tards.
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Ann Church
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:32 am

I believe the NCR would take it all eventually.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:45 pm

How does expecting an invasion make NCR immune to surprise attacks?

Is this a serious question?

You are defending a dam. You have soilders under you command.

You have the soilders in a positions to defend at all times. In 4 years cl should not be able to get within a half a mile of the dam without taking trained sniper fire. They only had 4 years to prepare and go over everything.

If they know its coming how can they be suprised? Think about your question.....
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James Shaw
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:42 pm

I hate to admit it but Caesers Legion would win. The Legion was already kicking NCR's @ss by the time the Courier was shot in the head. The Legion has better trained troops, as well as having the offensive. The NCR is spread too thin and is on the defensive, and its troops are poorly trained and equiped.

As long as the Legion keeps the NCR on the back step and watch their supply lines and dont get spread too thin, than they've got the Mojave and all the west in their grip. Their only downside is that with Caeser's brain tumor, the Legion would fall apart without him, as Legate Lanius is a savage that cant match Caeser's charismatic and leadership capabilities.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:48 pm

The Legion. They want it more.

Even if House managed to reclaim the chip, he would have no way to activate the... you-know-whats in you-know-where, and his existing... you-know-whats wouldn't be enough even with the ...you-know-what(2).
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:28 pm

Benny would be killed easily. I doubt House would care if it shook up the town. Taking over the Mojave is a bit more important than a casino's ratings. Plus he's had this planned out for 200 years.

The NCR already holds the Fort, and without the Courier they would be immensely weak. Forlorn Hope would be dead, the President of the NCR would be dead, etc. etc. etc.

The Legion had all their affairs in order. They weren't weak under any circumstances. The only thing that would go wrong without the Courier to intervene would be the death of Caesar as a result of his tumor.

So it's between House and the Legion.
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