Jack Nicholson reprising his role in The Departed but as a ghoul.
THIS, you sir just won the thread. +1000 points
Funny - I have always thought of Jack Nicholson as a Motor-Runner sort of character... Wonder if he wants his helmet back...
Desmond. I imagine we'll at least meet one of his rivals.
Willing to bet we'll see Dr. Li and Arthur Maxson again, too.
Hard to say. It's up in the air of WHEN this game takes place. It's only stated 200 years after the bombs dropped, which puts it at three or so months after the beginning of Fallout 3, and a few years before the events of New Vegas. No other data on on the exact spot in the timeline has been given, so I honestly can't give an educated answer on possible cameos.
I guess Mr. House COULD show up, or is referenced. I think it's stated somewhere he attended MIT, but I doubt he has a monitor connection there. His old dorm room maybe.
Gob. No good reason, I just love that guy. It'd be kinda nice to find out what really happened to him in the Fallout world.
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck esque characters playing out an homage to the harvard bar scene in Good Will Hunting.
I want to think I remember it being said he eventually found his way to Underworld and reunited with his "Mom", or remained stuck at Moriarty's depending on player choice.
Desmond, brief House reference, Harkness, Zimmer, Li, and (if its 2077) ED-E beginning his Incredible Odyssey from Adam's.
Somah from Mothership Zeta. For some reason I just really liked her.