» Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:53 pm
Delphine and Esbern. Oh man, I want my char Lanson to enchant his gauntlets with soul trap and drain health, grab them both by the neck, hold them there while I literally svck the health of them with my palms, then watch in satisfaction as their souls leave their bodies and enter my petty soul gems that I will take to my home in Lakeview Manor and bury them in the soil for all eternity. Then I will go to the Soul Cairn and instruct my old buddy Durnevihur to terrorize the two of them. Give the nice dragon something good to do on the weekends.
They have absolutely no respect for the Dragonborn, and only see them as a weapon to point. They steal my Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, make me walk all the way back to Riverwood, send me on a chase to kill another dragon, get me on bad terms on with the Thalmor and Aldermi Dominion (even though I didn't like those guys to start with), have me save one of them in Riften so the Thalmor didn't get him, just rudely barge in on my Diplomatic meeting, and after all that basically order me to to kill Paarthanux? Ah hell no. Screw those guys. The Dev team for Skyrim really need to give us an option to tell the Blades to shove it and walk away.