Optional Quest...ion- Why did you pick it?
Edit: added Ingun to the list. I wont add more.
My choice- It's a hard decision between Serana and Frea.
I choose Frea because she's a Skaal, She's got an amazing voice and She's a great follower.
Are we talking about "if you somehow came to Skyrim, were single and only interested in women", or are we talking about our characters here?
Aside from the fact that i think Serana was just an attractive marketing tool . She is beautiful. so ill pick her.
Or Ingun Black-Briar, but she didn't make the cut apparently.
In that case - Arkas hasn't met Serana, but I suspect she's just his type. But since he hasn't met her, he would probably go for Faralda, who hitted heavily on him when he pretended to join the College ("use Healing Hands on me", yeah yeah, we all know what she really meant! )
Jelissa likes big, hairy guys with big weapons, so she's not interested.
I think the waitress in Windhelm. Works at Candlehearth Hall.
Except Ingun is more of a poisoner... "All those poor little animals", to quote the wife of the alchemist she works for.
Well, there is nothing wrong with that, nor would I call it obsessed. I actually see Serana very fitting for my character.
Niranye looks better, but I prefer Faralda's voice and the fact that she is a deeper character because of her involvement with College questline.
Sad thing is, there is a cut content quest that would have let you marry Faralda. I do have it and use it, but it's little comfort for console users.
Niranye's voice is the only reason why i like her.
Her voice is lovely. I also like her personality. And she looks great, even if Altmer are not your type.
What was Bethesda thinking when they decided not to make her a potential spouse?