I fight the good fight with my voice!
[intelligence] Ah, so you fight the good fight with your voice, eh?
I can see that you are very smart.
That’s what happens when you think that any monkey can write dialogues. With a better storyline and well written quests it could have been a great game, despite any other flaws. Considering how solid the quest design is, not fighting the “dialogue battle” is unforgivable.
Then came Fallout: New Vegas.
Obsidian has brought to the table some much-needed brains. The moronic writing in Bethesda’s Fallout 3 made everything involving NPCs (other than shooting them in the face) almost intolerable and often incredibly painful. The writing (and the difference it creates) in New Vegas is much better. It’s like a breath of fresh air that adds a surprising amount to the atmosphere and setting. Skill checks are widely used, which is always a plus. Speech is a dominant skill that does a great job handling or avoiding difficult situations. If you want to see many of the game’s alternative scenarios, it’s a must-have skill. Outside of trading, Barter is often an alternative to Speech and supports different builds quite well. Even combat skills will have a use in dialogue on occasion.
I know this game isn't Fallout 3, but Oblivion had some pretty awful dialogue too.(the quests were nice tough)
So, will Skyrim have the "dialog" level of Fallout 3 (and Oblivion) or something decent like New Vegas, or maybe something in between?