Who do you hate most in Skyrim??
I'm asking this cause Skyrim is huge and I have a lot of characters that I hate or they are annoying so I gues that you guys may have them
Who do you hate most in Skyrim??
I'm asking this cause Skyrim is huge and I have a lot of characters that I hate or they are annoying so I gues that you guys may have them
I'm going to say Delphine for reasons that are probably obvious to most people.
Maven, she reminds me of all the people who rule our world and send innocents to their death, for their benefit.
There are quite a few just annoying characters but the two I actually hate, Elenwen in second place and a commanding lead for first is Ulfric.
Hate what? The bot, the voice-actor, the script writer, or the portrayed character? Propably the last.
I'm guessing http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Gissur and the best part: I get to kill him
Belethor, I'm aware that his voice is shared among other characters, but I just hate him and his annoying tone. Otherwise, each of my character has his/her own personal hatelist.
Delphine... even if my character isn't Dragonborn, they tend to stay away from the Riverwood Inn. Someone that annoying shouldn't be essential. I think my first character on a pc will make her unessential, if she lives through that 1st dragon, we'll see if she makes it further.....
I don't hate any of the characters, but find quite a few annoying.
Frankly, I fail to understand how people could find Delphine annoying. We barely see her in game. The longest time we spend with her is during "A blade in the dark".
So much this. We clearly know why Skyrim made children unkillable in the end. Otherwise the first thing we would do is hunt them all down and exterminate them.
Idolaf Battle- Born. I kill him every time I make a new game, which isn't often enough. One time I shot him in the back with an arrow and it was well diserved, another time I hacked him up with my sword. He's got the biggest mouth in Whiterun, so he's the first person I kill. He marches around Whiterun in an Imperial uniform with a cocky attitude and is very open about his dislike to the Grey- Manes.
Delphine, I have a hard time doing the main quest simply because I'm forced to deal with her and her disrespectful mouth.
It still bothers me that there's no raspy-voiced dunmer. It was in the demo they put out a few months before release, but a lot of lines were re recorded since then.
The voice of Joshua Graham is a pretty good subsitute, but it always irks me a little bit when I am talking to a dunmer and he doesnt sound like a 2 pack a day smoker.
Hate will be a strong word for some pixels, let's see, I have a dislike for Ulfric, Galmar, *insert every SC Jarl*, Maven, Delphine, Shel. I'm pretty sure there are a couple more.