"If you could bring one character from vanilla oblivion out of the game and into the real world to follow you around in your everyday life who would you bring and what would you two or three do?
I would take the fan with me wherever I go and have him wait in elevaters so that when people got on he would just stare at them for a while and burst into strange sayings that don't really relate to each other. Then i'd take him home and kill him once every few days in weird ways. I'd try to cut his plastic, trollish hair and then I'd look down into the hole I made in the top of his hollow head. LOL!
Everytime I walked by him he'd start to yell "By Azura! By Azu-!" but he'd be interupted with a punch to his smiley face."
If you could bring ANYONE from any Vanilla TES game who would it be?