Well, I had Lydia for a quite a while. Now she rests in piece, minus the armor I took back, in some fort somewhere, because mages frostbolted her in the face. I had reloaded 7 different times to save her during my early playing, as I was a mage and she kept getting in the way of my spells and I felt bad. But the 8th time, I figured enough was enough. But I am a squishy mage, I need a tank. Off to Windhelm, where I paid for Stenvar's services. He was great. He survived, he tanked, he had many situational comments and a funny dry sarcasm that came out once in a while and never seemed to mind carrying mah stuffs.
But with my better spells and staves being AOE, I decided to release Stenvar from his contract and try out the peppery Jenassa. So far she's still alive, she stealths really well, so we are not alerting the draugr too early and we'll see how it goes. Two Dunmer chicks, fighting stuff, looting stuff...

We got hammered by a Draugr Wraithlord in Volk...something... but she did not die and after a few tries and much swearing on my part, we were able to win. Sanguine's Dremora helps a lot too, although technically he is not a follower. He's pretty bad-ass though, except when I reduce is effectiveness lobbing fireballs.