Main Skills
Goals in life
Background Info
Pictures are worth a thousand words. So here's a few thousand...
Dragonborn DLC end spoiler
The First and Last Dragonborn.
Name - Carahil
Age - whatever age is considered a young advlt for the Altmer... 60 maybe?
Race - High Elf
God/DP - Julianos/Hermaeus Mora (those are the ones she would come close to worship, but not quite there)
Class - Mage (plus 1 Handed for Miraak's Sword)
Main Skills - All mage skills are 100 except Restoration, working on 1 handed.
Goal in Life - Become the most feared, powerful being in Tamriel. She actually is almost there, since she took Alduin out, dealt with Miraak and bested every Dragon Priest. All she needs now is all the Daedric Artifacts that exist in the current time to accomplish what she needs =P
Background - She left Summerset Isle to see the effect of the Thalmor in the other provinces of Tamriel. She is no Thalmor, but she agrees with most of their opinions on Talos. After taking a glimpse on some great ruins of the Ayleids and seeing the White-Gold Tower with her own eyes, she went north to Bruma, and crossed the border with Skyrim to see the Thalmor force in action against the most loyal Talos worshipers... well, everyone knows what happened at this part of they journey xD
The same i've been using since 11/11/11 pretty much and it's all very predictable but the only type of chjaracter i can stick without becoming extraordinarily bored after an hour of play.
Name: Allinir
Age: 52
Race: Bosmer (of course)
God: Nocturnal?
Class: Run of the mill Archer/Alchemist/Theif dude.
Main skills: Archery, One-Handed, Alchemy, Sneak, Pickpocket, Light Armour.
Life goals: Make a living in the thieves guild and retire with a family in a nice big house diving from the top of the stairs onto a pile of gold donald duck style.
Name: Artemus
Age: 28
Race: Marakin-Nord
God/DP: Mara / Kynareth
Class: Dual Swords-woman / Archer
Main Skills: Same as above
Goals in life: Personal
Background Info: Artemus is a warrior-woman Cyrod who once belonged to the famed Marakin Tribe in the Black Marsh. Her birth mother had lain with a captured Nord Noble Explorer. After Artemus was born her mother let the Explorer escape to freedom and was subsequently executed for it. (Men were often held as slaves and used as six partners to advance their tribe when necessary.) Artemus was subsequently raised by the whole tribe. After coming of age and challenging the clan leader to a duel.... and killing her.... Artemus left her tribe and the Black Marsh to adventure beyond.
Name - Largas Kharz
Age - 27
Race - Orc
God/DP - Malacath obviously...
Class - Blacksmith
Main Skills - 2h, Smithing, Heavy Armor
Goals in Life - to stay out of anything and everything going on with the dragons and perfect his craft while traveling throughout Skyrim.
Background info - Largas left his home in the stronghold of Narzulbur in his early 20s after spending his young life training to be a smith. However, he soon realized that throughout the world of Skyrim obtaining smithing materials meant either searching in dangerous caves or having the coin to get them, and joined up with a group of bandits. During a raid, he was separated from the others and to his dismay was captured by the Imperials and wound up in Helgen, where the real story begins...
I list three character because I'm a rebel.
Name: Hennir
Age: ~25
Race: Nord
God/DP: Akatosh
Class: Arcane Warrior
Main Skills: Heavy armor, Alteration, One-handed, Conjuration, a little bit of Destruction early in the game.
Goals in life: Emulate the legendary Nord mages of old. Gain the power of the dragon priests, become High Queen of Skyrim and show those pesky Winperials and midnless Stormcloaks what being a Nord is really about.
Background Info: Character is 3 hours old so I haven't made up my mind yet.
Name: Marinn
Age: Born early 4th Era.
Race: High Elf
God/DP: Dibella
Class: Barbarian
Main Skills: Heavy and Light armor,
Goals in life: Become rich and famous. Find out what happened to the Dwemer and the Snow Elves.
Background Info: Daughter of my Daggerfall character. As a daughter of a Blade and a personal friend to Uriel Septim VII she ended up in Thalmor hit list and was forced to flee her home after the Great War. Came to Skyrim to live a quiet life but we all know how well that went.
Name: Brunirr Keen-Spirit
Age: 34
Race: Nord
God/DP: Talos
Class: Barbarian, currently working to become Battlemage.
Main Skills: Heavy armor, One Handed, Two Handed, Archery. Currently developing Alteration and Conjuration.
Goals in life: Become the new Ysgramor. Screw wenches.
Background Info: A simple Nord farmer who had a dream where Ysgramor told him that he had been chosen to follow him. Since then he's been on the road, killing bandits and screwing wenches. He is not fully sane.
Name: Raya
Age: 20-ish
Race: Nord
God/DP: Magnus
Class: Dual wielding warrior that hurles thunderbolts?
Main Skills: Destruction, One handed, Restoration, Light Armor, Speech, Alchemy
Background Info: You friendly neighbourhood Dovahkiin
Name: Arendur Avraryon
Age: 28 (damn young for a Dunmer)
Race: Dunmer
God/DP: the Reclamations (espescially Azura), Hircine, Sheogorath
Class: Battlemage
Main Skills: Destruction, One Handed, Conjuration, Alteration, Light Armor, his Thu'um
Goals in life: to destroy the Thalmor presence in Skyrim, so that they can't reach Morrowind and to try to become as powerful as he can
Background: His real parents left him for unknown reasons at an Orphanage in Blacklight where he was adopted at the age of 9 from a Netch farmer who was actually Ulms Drathen, a Buoyant Armiger. He taught him many things over the time, like sword fighting techniques, using a Katana, some basic Destruction Spells and how to read. Ulms also gave him a collection of all the 36 Lessons of Vivec to read (something important for his later life). When he was 16, their farm was attacked by a group of bandits. Arendur could kill most of them, but they managed to kill Ulms, who couldn't really fight them back because of his great age of 267 years. He then took his daedric Katana and his glass Armor and tried to somehow survive. 12 years later, at the age of 28, he heard rumors of his mother still being alive. He heard that she was at the Gray Quarter in Windhelm and because he couldn't efford to travel with a boat, he instead traveled on himself for 7 Months until he reached the Jerall Mountains where he found the Pale Pass. He was captured by Imperial soldiers who thought he was a bandit soon after he reached Skyrim, and then Skyrim's intro begins.
Still using my same old character (and my only one):
Name: Legion
Age: 28 (born E4 174 18th of Last Seed)
Race: Imperial
God/DP: Sithis, the Nine Divines
Class: Battlemage/Nightblade hybrid
Main Skills: Heavy Armor, One-Handed, Smithing, Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Sneak
Goals in life: Discover more of his lost and forgotten past.
Background Info: Son of Pontius (one of the last of the Black Hand of the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodiil that was murdered by a bandit), did Legion find himself alone in the world as an orphan on the streets in some of the near lawless cities in Cyrodiil. Father murdered and mother disappearing did he never knew either of them, with Legion's true name forever unknown. Eventually was he taken in by a Dunmer Blacksmith in Skingrad named Vanryth, who became a close father figure to him, even teaching him smithing and some magic. When years past, did Legion grew older and more curious to see the rest of the world, and wanted to discover more about himself and his past. In E4 200, did Legion leave a note for his old Dunmer father, and ventured off. Eventually, he found himself in northern Cyrodiil in Bruma, and eventually (and unknowingly) crossing the borders of Skyrim, where he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
A backstory I am rather proud of coming up with.