Clavicus Vile. Despite the ol' screechy voice acting in Redguard he was so refreshingly forward in his intentions in contrast to the other Daedra.
I'm the glad the only other person to vote for my favorite Daedra made his reasons known.

Clavicus Vile is my favorite, and hey, I
liked his voice acting in Redguard and I've been really disappointed lately that the recent games are not adhering to that manner of talking. There was a high-pitched and low-pitched voice that both spoke together, and he switched between one pitch being the dominant one and the other not. It was awesome.
And I completely agree, Picaresque. He's straight-forward. To quote Clavicus Vile himself: "A follower of my brother, Hermaeus Mora, once said: 'the ultimate purpose of the Daedra Lords is to instruct and improve the generally deplorable character of mortals.' Lovely sentiment. But in fact, I watch mortals and meddle now and then, purely for
As a scholar, I can't say I'm really a fan of Hermaeus Mora. I mean, look what he did to Septimus Signus, and that's not the first example. His realm has a bunch of empty books, or else filled with knowledge about everything
except what you're looking for. He's a scholar's nightmare.
Honorable mention for Molag Bal as well. Corrupting mortals is awesome.