There are some I respect greatly - Burd, Savlian Matius, Countess Carvain, Baurus....
Some that entertain me greatly - Fimmion, Lord Rugdumph, Owyn....
Some who are particularly attractive to me - Biene Amelion, Dynari Amnis, Hasathil....
Some for whom I just have a soft spot - Thamriel, Rochelle Bantien, Tar-Meena....
But my single favorite, through it all, has to be Mazoga.
I like Mazoga because she becomes such a good friend, but when I first met her, I wanted to run her through! She was so rude, at first. But she turns out to be so kind and noble...

Attractive characters: I'm a woman, so I'm attracted to men... Martin (mostly the voice), Thadon (except that I hate how short they make all the Bosmer males), Owyn at the Arena, Hieronymous Lex, if he were a little younger, is pretty handsome; and there are a few others, but I don't want my list to be ridiculously long....
But my favorite character of all, big surprise here, is Syl. I don't know why, but from the first moment I met her, I've simply adored her. And then i wanted to figure her character out (getting into her imaginary mind), and then...lo, and behold, a novel was borne! :read:
Does Sheogorath count if not then Martin Septim is my favorite NPC. Sean Bean did an incredible job doing the voice.
Oh, I have to agree! I loved Martin as a character, but the whole voice of Sean Bean thing made him all the more amazing. :drool:
Falanu Hlaalu (Do you know the fine for Necrophelia?)
lol I was so shocked when she asked me that, but i love it because it's so hilarious... I usually respond with the reply, "Is it your first offence?" to which she responds, "Let's just assume, no." or something like that... Makes me laugh every time. I have to admit, I never thought I'd hear that in a game.... :rofl:
Sheogorath, Nothing else to say..... BUT CHEESE!
Who doesn't love the Madgod? He's the most amusing character in the game. His lines are priceless!