There are some I respect greatly - Burd, Savlian Matius, Countess Carvain, Baurus....
Some that entertain me greatly - Fimmion, Lord Rugdumph, Owyn....
Some who are particularly attractive to me - Biene Amelion, Dynari Amnis, Hasathil....
Some for whom I just have a soft spot - Thamriel, Rochelle Bantien, Tar-Meena....
But my single favorite, through it all, has to be Mazoga.
I sure have to agree that Mazoga is beautiful. She sure understands friendship once you get to know her. :goodjob:
Some other faves beyond Savlian Matius of my character and I are: Daenlin, Boderi Farano, Kud-Ei, Tar-Meena, Arielle Jurard, Ardaline, Sinderion, Millona Umbranox, Alwawen, Agronak gro-Malog, Sigrid.