Well Tomahawk the Nightblade just died to a Slaughterfish(In her defense it was a gargantuan one).
And so for now, I have no current character.
BUT My favorite 3 are.
Hiro, an Imperial,
Swordsman I think his class was called. He mastered all the guilds,Main Quest and DLC.
Why is hemy favoirte, despite him being a more non RP character? Well he is named after one of my favorite RPG characters, so thats one point. But also, he was the one who got me into Oblivion differently. He had some RP factors. A sleep schedule, eating regularly. And he looked badass in the Thieves guild reward item
Ri'Renji, A khajiit Fighter.
He was a hand to hand master, planned to kick ass in the arena, but rather went insane. Killed lots of people, decorated his manor with his kills. My first non "generic evil" character.
Also had quite the weapons collection. Shame he could never utilize them fully.
And Tetsu, my Breton Adventurer.
He never did anything lasting, beyond helping Mazoga complete her missions, and then they got married, when a technical issue caused his save to go bye bye. I have him retired, because he gave me the most story writing goodies. I may one day return to his story, or start over. Not likely.