The NPCs I hate the most are the ones I can't get revenge on. I don't actually go around killing off NPCs that annoy me, but as long as there's at least a theoretical way that they can get their just desserts, I'm happy enough to leave them alone and leave their fate to my imagination. That means pride of place in my "most-hated NPCs" list goes to Maven Black-Briar and her spawn, since they can't be killed nor can their foul influence be cleansed from Skyrim, no matter what you do in the game.
(I don't actually hate Ingun, but the little serial-killer-in-training seriously creeps me out!)
No contest, it's easily Braith. She is by far the most annoying NPC in the game and unlike Delphine who you only deal with a couple of times, Braith will constantly get in your face and be annoying and there's not much you can do about it short of avoiding Whiterun.
Tyranus, Molag Bal barks an order and he follows. I was glad when I got a random attack that ended with his demise before entering the house. It will now stay locked.
Molag Bal
The Orc Invaders in Waking Nightmare. Seriously, why are they hostile? They are attacking the temple to try to destroy the staff, that's what I'm helping Erandur to do. They should be attacking the cultists and helping clear the way so that he can destroy the staff.
1. Sven/Mikael-Pond scum, lazy, harassers of women and Bards. Both should be put to the sword.
2. Erikur-what a scumbag, deserves to be tortured by that Bosmer woman and then put to death.
3. Jarl Skald the Elder-I love Talcos so much I have nvdes of him and Ulfric, Praise be Talcos.
4. Taarie "If you're headed to the Blue Palace, you might want to... ...rethink that outfit (while wearing the Emperor's Robes)"
5. Nazeem-self explanatory.
6. Farengar Secret-Fire-"Come to Dragonshhhreachhh to discushhh the ongoing hoshhhtilities like the rest of the great warriorsssh."
7. That female Nord hero- Awful voice acting, was glad when Alduin got her.
8. Braith- self explanatory.
9. J'zargo- A lying, cheating Khajiit who tries to kill you, what a surprise...
10. Mogrul-Annoying.
With the exception of Skald I kept Civil war mains off list. Tullius, Galmar and Elisif would also be there.
Off the top of my head...
Molag Bal
Hermaeus Mora
Lord Harkon
Maven Black-Briar
Astrid/ the entire DB
Brynjolf/ the entire TG
Come to think about it there are so many annoying NPCs in this game I could probably do a top 25. Amazing that Malborn, the city guards, Astrid's husband, any Companions mangy dog scum, Ancano, The Imperial Captain, Female Argonians with Smoker's Lung ect didn't make it into my top 10, there are just so many NPCs I hate in this game.
I actually like Maven.
She is strong, smart, independent, dragged a large part of Riften out of the gutter, works hard at her own wealth, influence and contacts and doesn't like the player.
I don't dislike NPC's just because they won't lick the players boots.
That is one of the better things about some of Skyrim's NPCs.
The most unreasonable and egotistical Breton in the universe (except for perhaps Motierre).
Actually they do attack you cause i think when you start, the two cultists call you "Casimir" who was Erandur. So i think you went in as brother Casimir (Erandur)
I think he refers to after te release of the miasma. I think they attack you because they dont really realized what happened, and they just continued the assault, and as you are not one of them then well, you are a target.
i lol'd pretty hard. Never thought of j'zargo that way.
Gormlaith? I HATE GORMLAITH. She sounds like a [censored] seal when she shouts U Force. I'm getting angry just thinking about how horrible her voice acting is.
You must mean Grelka. She has a bad attitude, in my opinion.
I would have to say I dislike Maven Black-Briar the most of all of the characters in the game. Although, Delphine is a very close second. Nazeem and several others who repeat the same dialogue over and over and/or are snobby get on my nerves as well.
What's worse about Gormlaith or whatever her name is is that she shows up for the final battle and her voice acting gets even worse. The "Swiper No Swiping Shout 3 Times to clear the mist" moment that appears to be the result of Bethesda hiring Dora the Explorer writers (they probably also did the Companions and Civil War) as well as her awful voice acting sets a terrible tone for the final Godzilla fight.